G20 Reaffirms Climate Commitment and Energy Collaboration at China Summit

hangzhouClimate change and energy cooperation were high on the agenda at the meeting of the world’s major advanced and emerging economies in Hangzhou, China, from 4-5 September 2016.

The Group of 20 (G20) reiterated their commitment to sustainable development, strong and effective support and actions to address climate change.

In the communiqué adopted at the meeting, the G20 also reaffirmed the importance of energy collaboration for a cleaner energy future and sustainable energy security that also fosters economic growth.

The US and China – the world’s two biggest emitters, together responsible for almost 40% of the world’s carbon emissions – both ratified the Paris Agreement on climate change in advance of the meeting.

In the communiqué, the G20 welcomed efforts by members to enable the Paris Agreement to enter into force by the end of 2016 and committed to complete their respective domestic procedures as soon as national procedures allow. They stressed the importance of fulfilling the commitment by developed countries to provide means of implementation including financial resources to assist developing countries with respect to both mitigation and adaptation actions in line with the Paris outcomes.

The summit also highlighted the need to scale up green financing and for continued investment in energy projects to ensure future energy security and prevent economically destabilising price spikes.

G20 countries were encouraged to significantly improve energy efficiency based on the specific needs and national circumstances of each member and promote energy conservation through appropriate lifestyle changes.

In its communiqué, the group of 20 said it looked forward to successful outcomes in related multilateral fora, including the Montreal Protocol and the International Civil Aviation Organization on action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.

Source: ec.europa.eu

