French Municipality Plans to Build a Solar Power Plant in a Cemetery

Photo-illustration: Pixabay (mrganso)

An unusual solar venture will soon be realized in the French municipality of Saint-Joachim, more precisely in the municipal cemetery.

As reported by the French media, the municipality intends to install 5,000 solar panels on the canopies above the graves by 2025.

The project in the municipality of Saint Joachim was launched in 2021 as a solution to the problem of frequent flooding in winter. Solar panels are an ideal way to make additional use of the 5,000-square-metre area.

The solar power plant above the cemetery will be commissioned in the summer of 2025, and around 4,000 municipal residents can use the green energy generated by these panels.

The municipal authorities completely finance the project, while the citizens’ association Brier’energie will handle its administrative and legal affairs.


The president of the association, Éric Broquaire, told Ouest-France that the association’s role was to connect producers, power distribution grids and consumers.

For electricity to be fairly distributed to all households, the software will have to process 1,400,000 pieces of data per month, that is, to calculate the production and consumption of electricity for each household every 30 minutes.

“Once the plant is up and running, everyone will get their share of power, which will be listed on their bills,” Broquaire added.

Certain opposition representatives harshly criticized the construction of a solar power plant above the cemetery because “the profitability of the solar power plant is placed above respect for the deceased,” but this did not thwart the project’s implementation.

Milena Maglovski

