Flue gas desulfurization in TENT A, the largest environmental project in thermal power plants in Europe

Photo-illustration: Pixabay (yecao2018)

Dubravka Djedović Handanović, Minister of Mining and Energy, visited the construction site of the flue gas desulphurization plant in the Nikola Tesla A thermal power plant, where all works are scheduled to be completed by the end of March this year, and the plant will then undergo trial operation.

“We could witness firsthand that the works on the construction of the flue gas desulfurization plant will be completed in a few days, when the plant will be put to trial operation. This is the largest environmental project in a thermal power plant in Europe, and the third largest in the world, for which we have allocated almost 215 million euros”, said the Minister.

She pointed out that the construction of the flue gas desulphurization plant in TENT A contributes to reducing of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions by as much as ten times, as well as reducing particles within the limits established by the European Union and national regulations. This will lead to significantly improved air quality for the citizens of Obrenovac, the surrounding villages, and Belgrade.

“With projects like this, we somewhat extend the ecological lifespan of thermal power plants, which is crucial for the generation of baseload energy.” Until we develop enough capacity from renewable energy sources, or until we secure another source of baseload energy, we will have to rely on capacities from thermal power plants, of course in line with the highest environmental standards,” said the Minister.


She reminded that this project is implemented with the financial support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which is interested in participating in other projects in the energy sector.

“During April, I expect a delegation from Japan that will visit this facility together with us. This will provide a good foundation for future cooperation with Japanese partners, considering their interest in participating in the financing and construction of energy facilities in our country”, said the Minister.

The Minister expressed satisfaction that domestic institutes Mihajlo Pupin and Nikola Tesla participated in the realization of this project, which worked on software, electronics and digitalization of the operation of this plant.

Djedović Handanović pointed out that, owing to the limestone preparation plant, by-product gypsum will be produced, which can be used in the construction industry. “We want to encourage EPS to play a more significant role in the circular economy and to take advantage of the large quantities of gypsum that will be produced here.” Additionally, the implementation of the ash handling project is underway, which will enable the use of ash, important for the construction of roads and other facilities in the construction sector,” she said.

The Minister mentioned that the construction of the desulphurization plant in the Nikola Tesla B thermal power plant will be completed next year, enabling a reduction in sulfur dioxide emissions by about 20 times.

“The completion of the desulphurization plant in TENT B will mean that more than 50 percent of the electricity produced from thermal power plants, will be subject to the most advanced environmental measures, and reduce negative impacts on the environment,” she said.

Source: Ministry of Mining and Energy

