Fiji Launches National Competition for COP23 Logo

RESIZED-Small-Coat-of-Arms-Fiji-copyThe Fijian Government has called on all Fijians to submit design ideas for the logo that will represent the Fijian Presidency at COP 23 – the United Nations negotiations on climate change. The winning submission will be used as a basis for designing the logo that will Fiji will carry to the upcoming negotiations, which will be held in Bonn, Germany in November 2017.

The national competition will run from 4 – 24 February. All Fijians are encouraged to submit their best ideas and help Fiji develop a logo that encapsulates not only Fiji’s place in the world, but the values and the things that the Fijian people hold dear.

The winning entry will be awarded a paid trip for two anywhere on the Fiji Airways network.

“Fiji needs the creativity and ingenuity of the Fijian people to make sure our Presidency of COP 23 is as successful as possible. So we are asking every Fijian, including our students, our young people and our professional artists, to submit design ideas so that we can produce a logo that truly symbolizes who we are as a country and what we stand for as a people,” said Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama.

All submissions must comply with specific guidelines that will be advertised in the Fiji Sun as of 4 February 2017. Information on how to submit design proposals will also be advertised in the Fiji Sun.


