Feel like going to a festival this summer? Think twice, because you could increase your carbon footprint more than eight-fold.

That’s the verdict from Cardiff University and Siemens, which have studied a number of festivals across the UK, including Hay Festival, The FA Cup Final and Rugby 6 Nations -they say each year, more than 10.4 million visitors spend an estimated £2.3 billion at festivals and music events across the country.
The food eaten, the water pumped, the electricity used and the waste generated all produce a significant impact on the environment but the new report shows transportation taken getting there and going home is the biggest offender, making up a massive 49% of an average attendees footprint.
It highlights the average distance travelled to and from the event per person is 528 kilometres, creating an ecological footprint 8.5 times larger than if they stayed at home.
Dr. Andrea Collins, Lecturer, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University, said: “We have a real passion for festivals here in the UK, they have become part and parcel of the Great British Summer.
“But the vast ecological footprint they make is becoming increasingly hard to ignore and organisers must act now if we are to continue to enjoy festivals in the future.”
Source: Energy Live News