Europe: Children’s Products Release Toxic Chemicals

Across Europe, children are exposed daily to toxic chemicals found in various products, from plastic bottles to toys and clothing. A major problem is the presence of banned substances such as phthalates and PFAS, which threaten their development and health.

Phthalates are a group of chemical compounds used in plastic products to make them more flexible and durable. PFAS are a group of chemicals known as “forever pollutants” because they are highly resistant. They are added to make products resistant to water, grease, and heat.

Recent studies have shown that these chemicals often end up in a child’s body, which has been confirmed by their detection. As a result, non-governmental organizations are calling on the European Union to urgently update regulations to ban such dangerous chemicals, especially in products intended for children.

The Tegengif Foundation from the Netherlands conducted a study in collaboration with five European non-governmental organizations. The results, as reported by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), showed that plastic drinking bottles intended for children release Diisobutyl Phthalate (DIBP). This chemical compound can disrupt hormones and lead to serious health issues, such as reproductive disorders. Although the detected amounts were below the allowable level, the mere presence of this substance is concerning.


Furthermore, the study revealed that only a small number of chemicals released from plastic bottles for children can be accurately identified. This means that numerous chemicals present in plastic still cannot be recognized or analyzed.

Another conducted study showed that more than half of children’s jackets, as well as other clothing, contain PFAS. However, it was also pointed out that there are products on the market that do not contain PFAS, meaning that companies can produce clothing without these chemicals.

All research results point to the urgent need for action from the European Union, as the potential for improvement exists, but regulations are outdated. Such dangerous substances should be completely banned in products intended for children.

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