EPS Changes Rules for Commercial Customers

Photo-illustration: Unsplash (Gonz DDL)

New methodologies for forming electricity prices for customers under commercial supply have been adopted by the Assembly of the Joint Stock Company “Elektroprivreda Srbije” (EPS), with the aim of establishing prices that meet the unique needs of EPS’s commercial customers while maintaining financial integrity and business sustainability.

The new method of pricing for the economy ensures that prices reflect current market conditions while providing stability and predictability for customers.

According to Dubravka Đedović Handanović, Minister of Mining and Energy and a representative of the founder in the EPS Assembly, with the adoption of these methodologies, Serbia has fulfilled the last structural benchmark of the International Monetary Fund for the energy sector.

The minister added that the new methodologies allow for monitoring market trends in both directions, whether in cases of price drops or increases. Additionally, the new methodology will contribute to more efficient contracting of electricity supply for customers in the open market under competitive conditions, taking into account criteria such as the lowest electricity price, payment terms, and supply security.


As stated on the EPS website, methodologies have been adopted for determining the fixed price and the leveled price for full electricity supply to end customers, which is done based on market principles, as well as the methodology for forming prices for supplying end customers based on contracts with a predetermined quantity. Furthermore, a methodology has been established for determining the final price with dynamic pricing for full electricity supply to end customers, a methodology for determining the sale price of electricity produced from renewable sources for end customer supply, and a methodology for determining the price for delivered electricity from customer-producers under a full supply contract with net metering.

The flexibility in contracting brought by these methodologies will also contribute to a more diverse offering, which, as explained by the minister, will result in improvements in energy efficiency and the competitiveness of the Serbian economy, due to the possibility of optimizing electricity costs in final products.

Energetski portal

