Environmental Approximation Strategy in the Republic of Serbia

eptisa_logoThe recently awarded project to EPTISA in consortium with Project Management from Ireland and Environmental Protection Agency from Austria and financed by the EU, will provide assistance with transposition, implementation and enforcement of acquis through further implementation of principles from Environmental Approximation Strategy (EAS).

In view of the candidate status of the Republic of Serbia for the EU Membership, and forthcoming process of the negotiations, the EAS is one of the most important documents in terms of European integrations in the field of environment. It will be the basis for accession negotiations for the Chapter 27 (Environment), which is considered one of the most difficult and complex negotiation chapters.

Overcoming this challenge requires sustained progress in three particular areas: transposition of the EU’s environmental legislation into national legislation, putting in place the administrative capacity to implement, monitor and enforce that legislation, and establishing the infrastructure required for compliance with the legislation.

Over the next 24 months, a team of local and international experts will support the Ministry in charge for environment (MAEP) and Negotiating Group 27 in ensuring further alignment with the EU environment Acquis, with the specific focus on development of institutional capacities and enforcement of national legislation and strategic planning.

More specifically, the activities will focus on preparation of the Action Plan for development of administrative capacities, which includes assessment of the institutional capacity needed for implementation of Serbian environmental legislation harmonized with the EU legislation at all levels of governance. Also, assistance will be provided for enhancement of implementation planning capacities through coordination of investment and financial planning among sectors and through development of 8 Directive Specific Implementation Plans (DSIPs).

Source: eptisasee.com

