Gas experts continued their efforts to harmonise views and practices in relation to the development of a common and integrated South East and East European gas market during the second SEEGAS Stakeholder Meeting on 10 March 2021.
The first panel focused on the importance of clearing services for a liquid gas exchange. Panellists underlined that clearing systems require well-defined rules and the implementation of the EU’s legal framework. This includes financial services regulations MIFID II and MIFIR as the most effective tools to underpin market confidence. In the second session, traders and other experts shared their views on gas market development potential in the SEE region and identified barriers to the establishment of a liquid gas hub. The final session introduced active gas exchanges in Bulgaria and Turkey to the SEEGAS initiative and outlined Georgia’s plans to establish a gas exchange in the near future.
The SEEGAS Platform, managed by the Secretariat, is open to all stakeholders working on national gas hub creation, relevant pan-European stakeholders and experts from the national authorities in charge of regulating the energy and financial sectors in the countries from the SEEGAS region.
Following calls from stakeholders, cooperation under SEEGAS will be strengthened by a dedicated expert group on clearing. Furthermore, a green field market analysis of each participating country will be prepared by the Secretariat.
Source: Energy Community