International science advisors from around the globe have signed an open letter, emphasizing that “the scentific case for urgent climate action is unequivocal.” The letter was posted on the UK government’s website as it prepares to host the UN Climate Change conference, COP26.
“The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis showed there is no doubt human activity has warmed the ocean, atmosphere and land and the world is now 1.09°C warmer than it was in the early industrial era. Sea levels are rising, while weather extremes and their impacts such as heatwaves, excess rainfall, wildfires, flooding and droughts are more intense and more frequent. Climate modelling indicates that with every fractional increase in warming, these effects will get worse with all countries vulnerable,” says the letter.
COP26 opens on 31 October in Glasgow, bringing together world leaders, negotiators, scientists, businesses, policy makers and citizens as nations seek to reach agreement on how to tackle climate change.
WMO is working in partnership with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and UK Met Office in hosting the science pavilion in order to support the negotiating teams from around the world with the robust scientific evidence they need to inform their decision making. WMO, Met Office and IPCC experts, alongside colleagues from collaborating organisations, will be available to advise negotiators and other delegates on the latest climate science and services. The events from 01 to 12 November are aligned with the COP26 Presidency programme
“In this crucial year for uniting the world to tackle climate change, the COP26 Science Pavilion will demonstrate the science community’s continued commitment to underpin action on climate change. It will provide a platform to explain the very latest policy-relevant, scientific findings,” said WMO Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas.
Met Office Chief Scientist, Professor Stephen Belcher, said; “As part of UK Government, the Met Office Hadley Centre is central to the country’s national climate capability. As a world-class research institute, we have been supporting our Government in the lead up to COP26 and are looking forward to providing authoritative and impartial science to inform negotiations.”
Source: WMO