Resalta, Petrol and the City of Ljubljana signed the agreement for the third energy retrofit project of the City of Ljubljana. The project includes 27 municipal buildings, of which 17 will undergo a complete energy retrofit and 10 a partial retrofit. The aim of the public-private partnership is to optimize energy efficiency, lowering consumption and CO2 emissions, through a variety of measures that will also improve user and employee comfort.

The retrofitted buildings include schools, kindergartens, sports centres and an indoor arena. Measures that will be implemented include the renovation of HVAC systems, the replacement of interior lighting with more energy-efficient equipment, the replacement of existing heating systems with systems that will exploit renewable energy sources, the replacement of windows and doors, the renovation of facades, the insulation of roofs. 9,700 new LED lights will replace inefficient lighting systems and 29,000m2 of façade and roof insulation will be renovated.
The implemented measures will result in 4,465 MWh of energy savings annually, the equivalent of energy consumption of 274 households. This optimization of energy will reduce CO2 emissions will be by 968 tons annually. For reference, it takes 46,000 trees to absorb this amount of CO2 from the atmosphere in a year.
Combined with the results from the first energy retrofit project, completed in 2018, and the second project completed in 2019, the City of Ljubljana will save a total of 14,970 MWh of energy each year thanks to the implemented measures, enjoying an annual CO2 emissions reduction of 4,383 tons. This series of projects are a benchmark for improving energy efficiency in municipalities throughout Europe and are in line with Ljubljana’s reputation of European Green Capital (2016).
The energy retrofit is implemented as part of a public-private partnership between the City of Ljubljana and the consortium od Resalta and Petrol. Under this model, the project generates financial savings for the public partner, which then help pay for the project. An advantage of the public-private partnership model is that the City will benefit immediately from the savings and use them to repay the private partners over the 15-year contract period. Once the contract expires, the City of Ljubljana will enjoy the full benefits from the energy savings achieved. Resalta and Petrol will also provide management and maintenance of the equipment and systems installed as part of the energy retrofitting for the duration of the contract. The total value of the project is €16.9 million, with the consortium providing 51% of the funding. The EU Cohesion Fund, the Republic of Slovenia and the City of Ljubljana will provide the rest of the investment.
Luka Komazec, CEO of Resalta, said: “The third energy retrofit of the City of Ljubljana is proof that sustainability is an ongoing commitment, not a one-off investment. Energy efficiency in its various applications always offers room for improvement and immense potential for savings and better working and living conditions – it is immensely reassuring that the City of Ljubljana recognizes this, and we are honoured to have once again been chosen to accompany the City of Ljubljana in its transition to a carbon neutral city.”
Source: Resalta