How to Save on Electricity Bill

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

The arrival of autumn and colder days gives headaches to many. Apart from hectic preparations for school and searching for the winter clothes in your closets, preparations for the looming heating season are on. One look at the electricity bills during the winter could cause dizziness, but similar happens quite often in the summer.

If you have already wondered how to keep warm in winter and cold in summer, or how to make your home energy independent and efficient, you have probably learned that you can take various measures such as replacing dilapidated carpentry, installing insulation, installing new individual biomass and gas boilers or heat pumps, or even search for more efficient appliances. Applying these measures should reduce electricity consumption. However, is there any other way to reduce the final amount on your electricity bill? The answer is certainly in our production, which is possible by installing solar panels on the roof of your house.

By adopting the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and the Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy, the Government of the Republic of Serbia enabled both new investments and an increase in the share of RES in total energy produced.

The new laws bring a number of significant changes awaited for such a long time. Some of the novelties include subsidies for energy efficiency and the installation of solar panels on the roofs of houses. The state and local governments provide 50 percent of the funds, while the owner must provide the means for the rest.

Since it is necessary to allocate considerable funds for such works, many are faced with the fact that they need a financial boost. Surrounded by a plethora of offers, one should choose a bank that provides a complete high-quality service to both natural persons and small and medium enterprises.

A good reputation and many years of experience are often crucial when choosing a partner for such a job. ProCredit Bank has been promoting and investing in renewable energy sources for years. They are particularly committed to responsible banking, promoting investments in energy efficiency projects, and developing a culture of saving among their clients. Environmental protection is one of the main priorities of this bank, and more and more often of its clients.

Fully digitalized ProCredit Bank enables easier, faster, simpler, and utterly safe use of all banking services.

Read the story in the new issue of the Energy portal Magazine RECYCLING.

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