Conference ,,ESG, a Way of Life and Doing Business’’

As the momentum around ESG continues to grow, so does the challenge of keeping up to date with increasing regulatory and market demands.

At the “ESG, a way of life and doing business“, we convene Serbia’s top corporate leaders and sustainability professionals to explore recent developments in the fast-moving ESG landscape. ESG is not only a moral obligation but also a strategic imperative with far reaching benefits.

ESG is not only an influential area of practice, but it impacts on all areas of corporate activity: many organizations are both failing to assess ESG risks and failing to maximize the benefits which can flow from ESG leadership.

The event will be held on September 25, 2024, starting at 9:30 a.m. at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Resavska Street 13-15, Belgrade.



• This conference will bring together representatives of top-tier Serbian and multinational companies, financial institutions and sustainability professionals who will provide participants with an overview of the most trending ESG topics.

• The event will start with a dive into the amalgamation of sustainability, finance, and business strategy and how it reflects a growing recognition that sustainability and financial stability are not opposing goals but are fundamentally intertwined.

• Next, we will explore the key aspects and implication of the CS3D Directive, and its impact on the value and supply chains with increasing regulation setting mandatory requirements for due diligence.

• Our third discussion will focus on the extraterritorial consequences of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the pressure that key exporters of goods from jurisdictions outside the EU will face to reduce the emissions associated with their production.

• Finally, during our fourth panel, it will become evident that businesses will be required to rapidly evolve their approach to sustainability beyond greenhouse gas emissions and to consider how the changing operating environment (including weather patterns, biodiversity, access to water and other ecosystem services) affects the continued viability of their current business models and strategies.

Registration for the event is available here.


