The largest regional event dedicated to renewable energy sources – the Balkan Solar Summit – will take place on February 8th and 9th. More than 50 speakers, 500 participants and topics that change the renewable energy market await us in two days in Banja Luka, in Banski Dvor.
The Summit will bring together the most eminent experts and business leaders from the region and Europe, who have successfully implemented various and live and work in the real sector. This time, they will be joined by executives from leading banks, as well as directors and Managing Board members, high representatives of the EBRD, representatives of global corporations and decision-makers, who will present the latest financing options for RES projects.
This February, in addition to representatives of companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro, company executives from China, Egypt, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Spain and numerous other countries have confirmed their participation in the Banja Luka Summit, which will create numerous opportunities for the development of the RES market, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina but in the entire region.
“As the programme director, I would like to underline that the programme we have prepared for this year’s Balkan Solar Summit is truly top-notch. We have invested an extraordinary effort to bring together leading experts and innovators in the field of renewable energy sources, creating a platform that not only informs but also inspires. Each segment of our programme is carefully designed to encourage discussion, collaboration and new ideas. We gathered all the stakeholders in the chain of renewable energy sources projects, including investors, designers, financiers, traders and legislators, with the aim of encouraging cooperation, exchanging knowledge and creating a favourable environment for the development of solar, wind and other projects in the region,” said Ervin Leko, the Summit’s programme director.
“The Summit was conceived as a business event and a game changer in the world of renewable energy sources. Visitors will enjoy an exceptional programme with more than 50 experts who will discuss the latest trends and challenges in the industry. The stage and production will be at the highest level and we promise numerous networking opportunities, which will help our participants to establish valuable business connections and exchange know-how”, says Milena Mijatović, the Summit’s director.
Please click here to see available slots.
The Balkan Solar Summit is held under the auspices of the Ministry of External Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Source: Balkan Solar Summit