CEEFOR is Designing Another Power Plant


At a time when countries worldwide are searching for sustainable solutions, reaching for renewable energy sources and striving for energy independence, every new project implemented along the way is a symbol of progress. The construction of a ground solar power plant on land is planned on the outskirts of eastern Serbia, in the Braničevo district, which should significantly contribute to the production of clean, renewable energy in our country.

The entire design and technical documentation of this solar power plant was entrusted to the Center for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development (CEEFOR), more precisely to their engineers with abundant experience in developing renewable energy projects.

The company‘s team of professionals offer design and consulting services related to energy efficiency and renewable energy sources – from conducting energy audits (preliminary, short and detailed energy inspections), writing feasibility studies for energy technologies, designs required for obtaining various permits, contractor projects for construction and use renewable energy sources and other necessary services in this segment.

According to the drafted project, this solar power plant will require 5,400 photovoltaic panels with an individual power between 570 and 720Wp that will be connected to 30  inverters with a power of 100kW. CEEFOR’s engineers decided to use inverters manufactured by Fronius GmbH, the model TAURO ECO 100-3-P. These inverters guarantee efficient conversion of solar energy into electricity and are at the top of the market range. The final choice of construction and foundation method will depend on the results of geomechanical analyses and static calculations.

The solar panels will be arranged in 18 rows, in the west-east direction, with a vertical orientation and a tilt angle of 20 degrees. The power plant will be located within the boundaries of the 4.04-hectare plot, thus demonstrating efficient use of space, given that the length of these rows depends on the land plot’s shape. The height of the construction pillars at the lowest point will be 50 centimeters.


At the location of the power plant, the average annual irradiation, or more precisely, the quantity of incoming sunlight, is 1300kWh/m2, which is why the plant’s annual production is expected to be 4,533,541kWh, with a specific production of 1,271.46kWh/kWp.

Photo-illustration: Pixabay (mrganso)

Regarding its positive effects, this solar power plant will save more than 3.6 million kilograms of carbon dioxide annually. To approximate this figure, we can draw a parallel with an average mature tree, which can absorb about 20 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year, depending on the species, age, health, and other characteristics. If we take an average value of 20 kilograms per year for a typical mature tree, the carbon dioxide savings of the mentioned power plant are equivalent to the annual absorption of approximately 180,000 trees.

The plant will not only contribute to the reduction of harmful gas emissions. Still, it will also generate significant quantities of clean energy for the local community’s needs once it is connected to the power grid.

With a total installed power of 3,564 MWp DC/3MW AC, this power plant is a significant step towards sustainable development, energy independence and the accomplishment of the set renewable energy goals.

The CEEFOR Company will once again have the opportunity to demonstrate its professionalism and expertise, derived from many years of experience in energy efficiency and renewable sources. The company’s work is based on detailed planning and precise implementation by engineers, making it one of the leaders in its field and in generating greener and cleaner energy in our region.

Prepared by: Milica Vučković

Read the story in the new issue of the Energy portal Magazine SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE AND FINANCING OF GREEN CONSTRUCTION 

