Bristol City Council is to appoint a new company to fight environmental crime in the city.
Officers from environmental enforcement company 3GS will operate across a large area of the city, focusing on issues such as fly-tipping, fly posting, commercial waste, abandoned vehicles and graffiti tagging.
People who commit offences such as dropping litter or failing to clear up dog mess will be given fixed penalty notices (FPNs).
The cost of delivering the service will be met through the FPN payments – any surplus will be reinvested by the council to tackle environmental issues.
Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees said: “Making the city a cleaner, more pleasant place to live and work remains one of my main priorities. Over recent weeks, many people have contacted me about unacceptable levels of fly tipping and littering in their areas, so it really need tackling.”
“Keeping our city clean is the responsibility of everyone; we can all take small actions which go a long way, like reporting fly-tippers and ensuring we always pick up our dog mess.”
Source: Energy Live News