Milica Radičević


North Macedonia Adopts National Energy and Climate Plan, Commits to Accelerate Energy Transition During Secretariat’s Visit to Skopje

Director Artur Lorkowski and Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs of North Macedonia, Fatmir Bytyki, agreed to step up cooperation to accelerate the just energy transition during their meeting in Skopje on...

The Netherlands, Germany Announce Joint North Sea Drilling Operation

The Netherlands and Germany will drill for gas in the North Sea together, with production expected to start in 2024, the Dutch government has announced. According to the Dutch government’s website, production will...

“Days Of Good Wind” Conference To Be Held On The 2nd And 3rd Of June In Dubrovnik

More than 250 participants from Croatia, countries in the region and Europe, are coming to Dubrovnik for the "Days of Good Wind" conference, being held from June 2nd to 3rd, and organized...

Bringing The Benefits Of Digital Agriculture To All: FAO Joins The Digital Public Goods Alliance

Membership will help FAO contribute to making digital tools and knowledge products more accessible to farmers. Rome – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has become a member of the...

ABB Acquires Controlling Interest in India’s Numocity

ABB announced that its E-mobility division has agreed to acquire a controlling stake in Numocity, a leading digital platform for electric vehicle charging in India. ABB will increase its shareholding to a...

EBRD and Donors Help Sarajevo to Become a Greener City

Sarajevo is a city of contrasts. It is home to both western and oriental architecture; it is surrounded by beautiful mountains and forests but suffers from worrying air pollution; its history is...

IRENA Members Launch New Framework On Project Facilitation

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) held its first meeting of the “Collaborative Framework on Project Facilitation to Support the Energy Transition,” a platform bringing together public, private, intergovernmental, and non-governmental bodies...

European Commission And International Energy Agency In A Common Bid To Reduce EU Reliance On Russian Fossil Fuels

The European Commission and the International Energy Agency are joining forces to help EU countries reduce their reliance on Russian fossil fuels.  By strengthening investments in clean energy and energy efficiency, the project...

Macedonian Energy Regulator Joins ACER’s Electricity Working Group

On 23 May, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Energy and Water Services Commission of North Macedonia (ERC) signed an agreement that formalizes ERC’s participation in ACER’s...

BMW Group to Open Cell Manufacturing Competence Centre This Autumn

The BMW Group will open its Cell Manufacturing Competence Centre (CCMC) in the autumn. With the immission control approval procedure now completed, the necessary conditions are in place for commissioning of near-standard...

USD 43 Million Boost for Developing Countries’ Efforts to Reverse Species Loss

With global biodiversity loss at dangerous levels, 139 countries have received a lifeline to fast-track efforts to conserve, protect and restore species and ecosystems as soon as a new global accord currently...

EBRD, EU and GIZ Support Digitalisation of SMEs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union (EU) are stepping up support for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina by launching the Go Digital...

EU External Energy Strategy defines Energy Community as Instrument for Ambitious Energy and Climate Policies and Market Reforms

Published by the European Commission, the new EU External Energy Strategy defines the Energy Community as the framework for promoting ambitious energy and climate policies and market reforms. The Strategy is part...

Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum Debates Energy Security Amidst Russian invasion of Ukraine

Parliamentarians of the Energy Community Contracting Parties and the European Parliament met in Brussels under the umbrella of the Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum. In the presence of EU Commissioner for Energy Kadri...

Why we Need Global Cooperation on Decarbonizing Cities and Real Estate

In an increasingly challenging and volatile world, the urgent need to decarbonize real estate remains a constant. There are no quick fixes that will suddenly transform today’s energy inefficient buildings into models of...

EBRD and Donors Help Reboot Small Businesses in North Macedonia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is stepping up cooperation with Komercijalna Banka in North Macedonia by extending a new EUR 2 million credit line. The proceeds will be used...

Milica Radičević
