Milica Radičević


Changes to National Monuments Could Benefit the Fossil Fuel Industry

On December 4, President Donald Trump announced plans to drastically reduce the size of two national monuments in Utah. “Some people think the natural resources of Utah should be controlled by a small...

Scientists Discover Plants Respond to Anesthetics — Which Could End Animal Testing

Researchers have found that plants react to anesthesia the same way that humans and animals do. This could allow plants to be used in place of animals for anesthetic drug testing. First used...

Republican Tax Bill Presents Grave Threat to Alaska’s Tribal Groups

For tribal people in northern Alaska, a Republican tax overhaul that was hastily cobbled together in congressional backrooms 3,000 miles away has raised fears that their entire way of life could be...

Electric Cars Already Cheaper to Own and Run than Petrol or Diesel – Study

Electric cars are already cheaper to own and run than petrol or diesel cars in the UK, US and Japan, new research shows. The lower cost is a key factor driving the rapid...

Milica Radičević
