Katarina Vuinac


ABB’s 2030 and 2050 Science-Based Targets Approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

ABB welcomes the approval of its emissions reduction targets by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). As part of the company’s efforts to enable a low-carbon society ABB submitted updated scope 1,...

Good Management of Protected Areas Leads to Better Nature Conservation

The Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, which deals with the protection and improvement of natural heritage, currently has 472 protected areas in Serbia under its jurisdiction, spanning 762,960 hectares or 8.62...

First-Ever Global Renewables Summit Announced to Drive Action to Triple Renewable Power by 2030

The Global Renewables Alliance (GRA) and Bloomberg Philanthropies, in partnership with the governments of Barbados and Kenya, the European Commission, the COP28 and COP29 Presidencies, the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International...

Negative Bidding Continues to Burden Offshore Wind Development

Germany and the Netherlands have recently issued the results of their latest offshore wind auction. They awarded a total capacity of 6.5 GW. That’s good for Europe’s energy transition. But the auction...

ABB Investing 35 Million Dollars in New U.K. Earthing and Lightning Protection Factory

Lightning strikes and electrical surges disrupt critical operations and cause billions of dollars in damage to structures and equipment each year. With growing reliance on electronics and data centers, ABB is investing...

Charge&GO Pushes the Boundaries of E-Mobility

Charge&GO continues to expand its network of chargers, accelerating the pace as the summer season approaches. The charging infrastructure is the foundation on which the future of electromobility is built, which is...

With Luxen Solar to a Healthier Environment

We live in a time when we face major global challenges to prevent further environmental pollution and ensure a healthy and environmentally clean environment. Every individual must contribute to this goal, as...

French Auction Results are not the new Benchmark for Floating Wind in Europe

Last month France published the results of its 250 MW floating offshore wind auction off South Brittany (AO5). The winning bid was awarded at 86 euros /MWh – a record-low for floating...

What Happens When the Lifespan of Solar Panels Ends? Is There a Reason for Concern?

New technologies bring hope for a better and safer future, but at the same time, they also bring anxiety – what negative consequences might they leave behind? Electric vehicles, for example, are...

EU and SDGs: How has the EU Performed?

Eurostat released the publication ‘Sustainable development in the European Union - monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context - 2024 edition’. This publication provides readers with a statistical...

Soil Monitoring Law: EU on the Pathway to Gealthy Soils by 2050

The general approach reached by the Council today aims to make soil health monitoring obligatory, provides guiding principles for sustainable soil management and addresses situations where soil contamination poses unacceptable health and...

Increasing Energy Investment in Africa is Vital for the Continent’s Sustainable Economic Growth

Meeting growing energy demand in Africa requires a surge of spending on clean energy projects, with swift action to tackle financial barriers so investment can reach the levels that are needed, according...

Development of Environmental Protection

Humanity’s contemplation about its negative impact on nature has left a written trace dating back several centuries. Yet, at that time, there was not enough knowledge about the extent to which such...

Progress on Basic Energy Access Reverses for First Time in a Decade

A new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the World Bank, and the World Health Organization (WHO), released today,...

Improving Environmental Protection in Serbia

Solving environment-related problems and protecting the environment are still the top priorities and challenges for both people living in the Republic of Serbia and state institutions. In 2023, the Ministry of Environmental...

New Data: CO2 Emissions From New Cars and Vans Further Decrease as Electric Vehicle Sales Grow in Europe

Average CO2 emissions from all new cars registered in Europe in 2023 continued to decrease and were 1.4 per cent lower than in 2022, according to new provisional data published by the...

Katarina Vuinac
