Ivana Kostić


India Seeks to Save the Last Few Hundred Asiatic Lions

 In response to the mounting death toll among critically endangered Asiatic lions, India’s government has launched a project to save Asia’s last free-range population of lions in the state of Gujarat. “The Asiatic...

UK Clothing Goes Green with a Wardrobe Full of Emissions Savings

WRAP says its Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 has helped generate an 11.9% reduction in the carbon footprint per tonne of garments. UK clothing is going green with a wide range of environmental improvements over...

Electric Car Batteries Will Come Cheaper and Charge Faster

Electric vehicles continue to be rather pricey for which their batteries are largely to blame. Encouragingly, though, in a win-win-win for electric car owners and prospective owners, developers are working on batteries that...

Global Solar Installations to Soar 18% in 2019

A new report expects new worldwide solar capacity to total 123GW in the next year. Global solar installations are forecast to rise 18% through 2019.That’s the verdict from a new report published by IHS Markit, which...

Malayan Tigers Are Nearly Extinct, a Biologist Warns

 Time is running out for Malayan tigers in the wild. Unless conservation efforts are stepped up these critically endangered striped predators might well go extinct in their habitats in Malaysia. This stark assessment...

World’s First Lab-Grown Steak Revealed – but the Taste Needs Work

Nascent industry aims to reduce environmental impact of beef production. The first steak grown from cells in the lab and not requiring the slaughter of a cow has been produced in Israel. The meat is...

Could ‘Robotic Ant’ Solar Tech Put Humans out of a Job?

Osoji Solar seems to think so – it says its dust-cleaning devices could significantly boost solar efficiency. Could ‘robotic ant’ solar tech put humans out of a job?Osoji Solar seems to think so – the...

Legal Plastic Content in Animal Feed Could Harm Human Health, Experts Warn

Small bits of plastic packaging from waste food make their way into animal feed as part of the UK’s permitted recycling process.Plastic traces in animal feed could pose a risk to human...

Christmas Shoppers Warned to Avoid Plastic Toys Due to Toxin Levels

Toys feature in more than half of EU alerts for products containing banned chemicals.Christmas shoppers are being warned to avoid plastic toys after they appeared in more than half of EU intergovernmental alerts...

‘Finally Some Good News Out of Washington’: Nation’s Capital to Go 100% Renewable by 2032

Washington, DC made history Tuesday when its council voted unanimously to transition to 100 percent renewable energy by 2032, the Huffington Post reported.The commitment is part of the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018, which...

All Aboard for Emissions Savings!

A variety of innovative new technologies could help slash emissions from the shipping industry.Many freight ships use the dirtiest forms of fossil fuel, with the industry emitting around one billion tonnes of carbon...

Ecotricity Partners up for Sustainable Jet-Setting

The supplier will work with sustainable certification programme Green Tourism. Ecotricity has launched a partnership to help the UK’s tourism industry become more sustainable.The renewable supplier will work with sustainable certification programme Green Tourism to make tourist accommodation and...

Brazilian Beer-Maker Brews Up Solar Facility

Ambev eventually aims to use only renewable energy sources to supply its operations in Brazil. Latin America’s largest brewer is to build a solar plant to supply clean power to its distribution centres. The facility in...

Electric Buses Roll Out in São Paulo

The BYD buses are scheduled to enter operations in March 2019.BYD has delivered a series of electric buses as part of a zero emissions pilot project in the Brazilian city of São Paulo. Equipped with...

Siemens Gamesa to Lead an EU-Funded Project to Cut Offshore Wind Costs

The project will receive around €20 million (£18m) in support over its five-year duration. Alongside Aalborg University, Siemens Gamesa will lead an EU-funded research and development project to make offshore wind more affordable. The Integrated Implementation...

New York Steps up Energy Efficiency and Storage Targets

New York State Public Service Commission has approved two new initiatives to reduce the region’s carbon footprint.Governor Cuomo has announced a dramatic increase in New York State's energy efficiency and battery storage...

Ivana Kostić
