Ivana Kostić


IEA Urges Poland to Clean Up its Energy Sector while Balancing Energy Security, Environment and Affordability Requirements

Poland’s new energy strategy should put the country on a pathway towards a cleaner energy system while strengthening energy security, the International Energy Agency said in its latest review of the country’s...

MEPs Back Higher Recycling Targets

MEPs on the EU's environment committee yesterday backed the adoption of more ambitious waste and recycling targets under the Circular Economy Package. The lawmakers voted to boost the municipal recycling target from 65...

UK Offshore Wind Power Costs Tumble 32 Per Cent in Four Years

UK offshore wind power costs have plummeted by almost a third in four years, putting the technology on course to soon be level with the cost of conventional power generation, a report...

Canadians Sell California Sun

Canadian Solar subsidiary Recurrent Energy has agreed a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) to supply electricity from the 60MW Tranquillity 8 Verde photovoltaic project in California. Construction...

Solar Employs More Workers Than Coal, Oil and Natural Gas Combined

U.S. solar employs more workers than any other energy industry, including coal, oil and natural gas combined, according to the U.S. Department of Energy's second annual U.S. Energy and Employment Report. 6.4 million...

Tesla just Introduced the World’s Longest Range Electric Car

Tesla just made electric vehicle (EV) history, but you’d be forgiven if you didn’t know. With nary an announcement or social media post, the company surreptitiously introduced the Model S 100D, which...

Nord Stream Utilisation Averages 80% in 2016 – 43.8 bcm Transported to the European Union

In 2016, the Nord Stream Pipeline operated at 80 per cent of its annual capacity of 55 billion cubic metres (bcm). 43.8 bcm of natural gas were delivered to consumers in the...

Not Enough Investment in Renewables: IRENA

Money invested in renewable energy is not enough to reach a climate goal of limiting global warming to 2.0 degrees Celsius, an Abu Dhabi-based green energy organisation said last week. Investment in renewables...

REA ‘Welcomes’ UK Industry Plan

The Renewable Energy Association (REA) has welcomed the UK government’s industrial strategy green paper, in particular, its support for energy storage. REA head of policy & external affairs James Court said the association...

Revolutionary Flapping Wind Turbine Mimics Hummingbirds to Produce Clean Energy

A new flapping wind turbine from Tunisia marks a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of mechanics. Until recently, scientists have been limited in their ability to apply new understandings of animal and...

Creating a Panel of Mediators

The Secretariat has launched last week a call for expression of interest aimed at establishing a panel of mediators to provide assistance to the Energy Community Dispute Resolution and Negotiation Centre. The mediators...

China Approves First List of Green Car Models for Subsidies This Year

China released on Monday this year's first list of "recommended" green energy vehicles, paving the way for 185 car models to receive government subsidies. Beijing has spent billions of dollars promoting electric and...

EBRD and AIFC Launch Study for Green Financial System in Kazakhstan

In a new step to support Kazakhstan’s path towards a greener economy, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is launching a study that will assess the potential of developing a...

The Last Time Earth was this Hot was 125,000 Years Ago

Proving once more that climate change is a runaway problem, scientists just revealed that the earth is the hottest it’s been in 125,000 years. The last time global temperatures were this high,...

Scotland Sets Ambitious Goal of 66% Emissions Cut within 15 Years

Scotland is seeking to dramatically cut its reliance on fossil fuels for cars, energy and homes after setting a radical target to cut total climate emissions by 66% within 15 years. In one...

Christian Zinglersen Named as Head of the new Clean Energy Ministerial Secretariat at the IEA

Christian Zinglersen, the Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate, was named the first Head of Secretariat for the new Clean Energy Ministerial Secretariat, established at the...

Ivana Kostić
