Ivana Kostić


Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop – or Can You?

A green group has called for Pringles packaging to be made fully recyclable.Pringles packaging needs to be redesigned to be fully recyclable and more environmentally friendly. That’s the verdict from the Recycling Association,...

Pacific Island to Introduce World-First ‘Reef-Toxic’ Sunscreen Ban

From 2020, lotions containing any of 10 chemicals linked to coral bleaching will be outlawed. The tiny Pacific island nation of Palau will ban “reef-toxic” sunscreens from 2020 in what it claims is a world-first...

Air Pollution Pumps up the Risk of Heart Attacks

A new report from the Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants outlines a range of cardiovascular risks. Particles in air pollution cause a wide range of damaging effects to the cardiovascular system. That’s according...

Europe’s Largest Tidal Energy Project to Make a Splash in 2021

A new joint venture has been created to deliver the project off the coast of France. Europe’s largest planned tidal energy project will start to be built in France by 2021. Tidal developer SIMEC Atlantis Energy...

Siemens Launches Field Test for Driverless Evs in Germany

A highly automated single-seat car and a shuttle bus will be used to research the interplay of intelligent infrastructure and the vehicles. Siemens is to test the interaction between autonomous electric vehicles (EVs), intelligent roadside infrastructure...

Tidal Energy Firm Makes Waves with Tesla Battery Storage

Nova Innovation claims it has developed the world’s first grid-connected baseload tidal power station.Scottish cleantech firm Nova Innovation is using Tesla batteries with its tidal energy technology to deliver what it claims is the world’s...

Fruitful Cooperation between the Local Self-government and the Civil Sector in Paracin

At the end of the 1980s in Paracin, the local Ecological Movement and the Young Researchers division were established thanks to liberal ideas of the youth organisation of that time. These were...

Air Pollution Causing Major Reduction in Intelligence, Study Suggests

Poisonous air estimated to cause premature deaths of 7 million people a year worldwide.In addition to having a deadly impact on people’s physical health, air pollution is now also believed to be responsible for...

Humanity Has Wiped out 60% of Animal Populations Since 1970, Report Finds

The huge loss is a tragedy in itself but also threatens the survival of civilisation, say the world’s leading scientists.Humanity has wiped out 60% of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles since 1970,...

‘Only 16 Countries’ Emissions Targets Match Their Paris Agreement Pledges’

A new study shows these nations’ domestic policies do not live up to their nationally determined contributions.Only 16 countries have domestic greenhouse gas reduction targets clearly matching their Paris Agreement commitments.That’s according to...

Indian Solar Floats to the Top with New Deal

ReNew Power has secured a tender to build a new 3MW facility in VisakhapatnamAn Indian renewable energy company has won a proposal to develop a 3MW floating solar farmin Visakhapatnam.The facility to be...

EU Parliament Backs Ban on Single-Use Plastics

The throwaway plastics to be banned from 2021 include straws, cutlery, plates, balloon sticks and cotton budsThe proposals also call for at least a 25% reduction by 2025 in the use...

UN-Backed Fund Pledges $1bn for 19 Climate Action Projects

It was set up to respond to climate change by investing in low-emission and climate-resilient developmentA UN-backed fund has pledged to invest more than $1 billion (£0.77bn) in climate mitigationprojects in developing countries. The...

Uber to Introduce Clean Air Fee to All London Rides

Uber will charge its customers in London an extra 15p per mile on every trip to help its drivers buy electric cars. The ride-hailing app hopes to create a £200m fund from the levy to...

Man Is Healthy Only if He Takes Care of His Health

Milka Drezgic, Professor of Internal Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, the Belgrade University The advancement of preventive medicine, diagnostics, and therapies, as well as technological breakthroughs in the 20th century, contribute to a...

Indonesia Hops Aboard Plastic Cleanup with Bus Bottle Scheme

Surabaya’s recycling incentive scheme allows trash to be traded for tickets.The Indonesian city of Surabaya is now offering free bus rides in exchange for handing in used plastic bottles and cup.The country’s second-largest city...

Ivana Kostić
