Australia In The Race For Green Hydrogen

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

There is a green gold rush going on in Australia at the moment. Billions in investment is flowing into the production of green hydrogen.

The plans include massive wind and solar farms. And I am not suggesting it is for use in cars. It will mainly be for our export partners in Asia, particularly Japan, which is pushing for a hydrogen-powered economy.

Although the vast majority of current hydrogen is grey, produced from fracked natural gas, this will be green and some of the current fossil fuel incumbents will be caught with their pants down.

Let’s start with Western Australia.

In the Pilbara, 36 billion dollars is being invested to create the Asian Renewable Hub. Not only will they use solar and wind, but they are also planning to manufacture wind turbines on site. This is cost effective because of the huge distances involved in transporting the massive steel structures. The nearest port is 250 km away. The plan is to produce over 10 million tons of it a year using the power generated by 1743 wind turbines and 25 million solar panels. It is at least a 10 year project. They are going to need a large water source also.

A 94 billion dollars energy hub is being proposed for the Nullarbor (no trees) Plain. The same companies that are behind the Pilbara project are expecting to produce 50 GW of wind and solar power to make 3,5 million tonnes a year of green hydrogen for the export of 20 million tonnes of green ammonia. The traditional owners of the land, the Mirning people, will also hold a stake creating a brighter future for their young people.

Source: Clean Technica

