Antic: No Plans for Electricity Price Increases

Photo: Ministry of mining and energy

There are no plans whatsoever at this time for electricity price increases, says Minister of Mining and Energy Aleksandar Antic.

The priorities of the national electric power company EPS are completely different, Antic said during a tour of the Nikola Tesla B coal-fired power plant in Obrenovac on Sunday.

The EPS has a financial consolidation plan and certain benchmarks and criteria it must meet every year, he said.

“The EPS has excellent solvency now. We have stable finances at the time and the priorities are to continue the rightsizing – we are completing a redundancy programme under which we expect about 1,900 people to leave the EPS,” he said.

Payment of electricity bills has improved, and so have cost cuts at the EPS – if these priorities are achieved, the likelihood of price increases requested by the IMF will be increasingly lower, he said.


