ABB is Ready for the Grand Opening

Gotthard-base-tunnelThe Gotthard base tunnel in Switzerland will be officially inaugurated with an international ceremony presided over by the Swiss Government. At this and the public celebration that will follow, ABB will showcase its contributions and vision of the future in two exhibition pavilions. Here’s what the visitors can expect.

The two exhibition pavilions built to celebrate the opening of the world’s longest rail tunnel are ready, and just in time. This Wednesday, the official state ceremony will be held to declare the tunnel open.

Alongside the Swiss Federal Council, a number of European heads of state are expected to join the event, including German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, French President, Francois Hollande, Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi and many other VIPs from politics and business. A total of 1,100 guests and 300 media representatives have been invited. This will be one of the biggest international events Switzerland has ever hosted.

ABB’s Chairman, Peter Voser and CEO Ulrich Spiesshofer will also participate in the official ceremony on today on 1st June, 2016, with Swiss country managing director, Remo Lütolf.

At the weekend following the formal ceremony, on June 4 and 5, 2016, the general public will be welcomed to four showgrounds at the north and south portal of the base tunnel. In Rynächt and Pollegio ABB’s pavilion will showcase the technologies our company has delivered for the Gotthard base tunnel, for rail transportation, and for the power and automation sectors.

The displays will include a review of our history, our pioneering ambition and our research cooperation in a 360-degree movie. Dozens of ABB colleagues will participate in the celebrations.



