A Natural Solution For Slower Decay of Fruits and Fagetables

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

How often does it happen that fruits and vegetables in shops and homes start decaying after a short time? As soon as they change color, fruits like bananas end up as food waste.

According to data collated by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, fruits and vegetables make up the largest share of wasted food – over 30 per cent – while cereals and legumes have the smallest share. Rotting plays a significant role in the accumulation of food waste globally, as freshness is an important factor for foods such as strawberries, grapes, lettuce, tomatoes and spinach.

A group of researchers from the Institute for Multidisciplinary Research of the University of Belgrade developed a formula that can solve this problem. Protected by an international patent and tested in accredited laboratories in Serbia, B-fresh is a formula based on natural products that replaces toxic chemicals and prevents the rapid rotting of fresh fruits and vegetables, thus extending the shelf life up to one hundred per cent. We spoke with Goran Branković, PhD, Director of B-fresh Technologies, the company behind this formula, about the formula’s composition, use and advantages.


“B-fresh is a biopolymer-based emulsion, i.e. based on natural materials such as chitosan and gelatin. It also contains active components such as essential oils and salts of some metals, such as zinc. These materials have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, which is why they protect food from spoilage. The active components of essential oils are encapsulated in a biopolymer matrix and are slowly released, creating a protective atmosphere“, explains Dr Branković.

After it is applied in a thin and invisible layer on the inside of the package, be it plastic, paper or cardboard, the emulsion forms a thin protective layer that has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, which, in the next 10-15 days, prevent the development of bacteria, fungi and mould on fruits and vegetables. In this way, each package becomes active, and there is no need to change the packaging.

It is interesting to note that the product is active even when the package is not completely closed or is styled in such a way that there are openings. Although one type of B-fresh emulsion is currently available, it can be adjusted to a specific type of fruit. Different microorganisms attack and cause the rotting of different fruits and vegetables, but it is possible to find the most effective emulsion that will fight against the relevant microorganisms.

Prepared by Milica Vučković

Read the story in the new issue of the Energy portal Magazine SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE AND FINANCING OF GREEN CONSTRUCTIO.

