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French Auction Results are not the new Benchmark for Floating Wind in Europe

Last month France published the results of its 250 MW floating offshore wind auction off South Brittany (AO5). The winning bid was awarded at 86 euros /MWh – a record-low for floating...


Wind energy is important for the European Union Member States, considering that 19 percent of the energy consumed in the EU comes from this renewable source. Although almost all European wind turbines...

Net Zero Industry Act threatens to be a backward step for Europe’s wind industry

Wind is 19 per cent of the electricity consumed in Europe. Nearly all of Europe’s wind turbines are made in Europe. Europe’s wind energy supply chain is big – over 250 factories...

New Wind Charter and national wind pledges underline ambition for wind power in Europe

The EU’s ambition to advance wind energy took two further steps forward in the margins of Energy Council in Brussels, following up on two of the measures outlined in the recent European...

WindEurope 2022 in Bilbao: helping Europe deliver energy security

The WindEurope annual event begins today in Bilbao. His Majesty the King of Spain will open it with the President of the Basque Government, Ministers from around Europe and top officials from...

RES Serbia is a New Member of WindEurope

WindEurope announced that Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia has become a member of this Association. WindEurope is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting wind power in Europe and worldwide. WindEurope has...

Turning Europe into a Giant Wind Farm Could Power the Entire World

On windy days, Europe's growing number of wind farms can run entire nations on clean energy. But what if there were turbines in every potential location? Scientists have calculated that in such...

European Investment Bank Commits €50 Million To Build 9 Spanish Wind Farms With 300 Megawatts Of Capacity

The European Investment Bank announced on Thursday that it would commit €50 million in loans to finance 9 wind power projects developed by the Spanish firm Forestalia Renovables which will be built...

Last Saturday, Every Fourth Light Bulb in Europe was Powered by the Wind

As you settled down to watch Strictly Come Dancing last Saturday evening there was a one in four chance your TV was being powered by the wind. Trade body WindEurope confirmed yesterday that...

30% of Europe’s Electricity Could Be Wind Powered by 2020

A pair of reports released by WindEurope asserts that by 2030, 30% of the electricity consumed in Europe could be generated from the wind. The continent is on track to overhaul its...

Europe Could Attract $417 Billion With Higher Wind-Power Target

Europe’s wind power industry may attract 351 billion euros ($417 billion) of investment by 2030 if countries adopt reforms and targets for their energy systems in the next year, trade association WindEurope...

Europe Must Triple Offshore Wind Growth Rate To Bring Paris Goals Within Reach

If Europe is to fall in line with the Paris Climate Agreement intention of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, the region must significantly increase its rate of growth for...

Europe Adds 6.1GW of Wind Energy Capacity in First Half of 2017

Europe added 6.1GW of new wind power capacity during the first half of the year, prompting optimism that 2017 will prove to be a "bumper year" for the sector, according to WindEurope. The...

European Wind Energy Investment Breezes Past Record-Breaking €27bn Milestone

The growing dominance of renewables in the European power industry was underlined yesterday with the release of a new report showing how renewable energy accounted for 86 per cent of all new...

A Total of 12.5GW of New Wind Capacity Was Installed in Europe in 2016

A total of 12.5GW of new wind capacity was installed in Europe in 2016, according to WindEurope data. WindEurope said in its annual wind statistics that a record €27.5bn in new investments were...

WindEurope Debuts Daily Wind Power Monitor

Wind energy delivered 9.9 per cent of Europe's power demand on Monday, providing enough electricity for 100 million EU households or 35 per cent of all industrial power demand. That update was provided...



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