Search results for:water pollution

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Cleaning Up After Water Pollution

It is very difficult to reverse the effects of water pollution. Natural processes that cleanse the water can take years, decades, or even centuries, and even with costly technological processes, it can...

Could City Waterways Ease Air Pollution?

Waterways offer new transport options in some towns and cities, but there are still some challenges to overcome Once bustling thoroughfares for boats of all kinds, to some entrepreneurs the rivers in...

Air Pollution more Deadly in Africa than Malnutrition or Dirty Water, Study Warns

Africa’s air pollution is causing more premature deaths than unsafe water or childhood malnutrition, and could develop into a health and climate crisis reminiscent of those seen in China and India, a...

Hidden pollution exchange between oceans and groundwater revealed

Researchers have uncovered previously hidden sources of ocean pollution along more than 20 percent of America's coastlines. The study, published online Aug. 4 in the journal Science, offers the first-ever map of underground...

How Degraded Are Freshwater Systems – What the United Nations Report Reveals

The state of our freshwater ecosystems has been highlighted in a study conducted by UN-Water and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Through three reports on progress in the area of freshwater...

How an Innovative Liquid Removes 98 Percent of Nanoplastics from Water

After a piece of plastic enters a water system, such as a sea, ocean, river, or lake, it undergoes degradation due to the influence of sunlight, wind, and water. A large piece breaks...

Europe’s Bathing Waters Remain Safe

As you prepare for warm summer days ahead, you will be happy to learn that the vast majority - 85.4 per cent - of bathing water sites in Europe met the EU's...

Europe’s Bathing Waters Remain Safe

As you prepare for warm summer days ahead, you will be happy to learn that the vast majority - 85.4 4 per cent - of bathing water sites in Europe met the...

Oil Spills Pose a Bigger Threat to Freshwater Ecosystems

Oil spills are a major environmental problem that occurs every year worldwide, affecting oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes. Although the world is familiar with the issues and changes in salt water, the...

New EU Rules to Improve Urban Wastewater Treatment and Reuse

With 481 votes in favour, 79 against and 26 abstentions, Parliament adopted the deal reached with the Council in January 2024 on revising the EU’s water management and urban wastewater treatment standards...

Eight ways to overcome the waste pollution crisis

Humanity generates between 2.1 billion and 2.3 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste a year. When improperly managed, much of that refuse—from food and plastics to electronics and textiles — emits greenhouse gases...


World Water Day is marked every March 22 and this year's theme is “Water for Peace”. More specifically, the theme aims to highlight the key role of transborder water cooperation in fostering...


A technical problem occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Reports say that during the morning check of the plant's valve, the company employee discovered that radioactive water was leaking from...


The European Commission reacted positively to the temporary political agreement concerning the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, which is a significant step in the protection of human health and the environment from...

Report on the quality of EU bathing waters

The European Environment Agency (EEA) in collaboration with the Commission reports that the majority of European bathing sites meet the European Union's highest ‘excellent’ water quality standards in 2022, maintaining the quality...

Baltic Sea shipping should avoid copper in antifouling paints and open-loop scrubbers to mitigate pollution

In the most recent Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) assessment (2011-2016), all the Baltic Sea basins failed to reach good environmental status as defined by the EU Maritime Strategy Framework Directive. HELCOM offers data...



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