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EU Met Air Pollution Limits for Four Key Pollutants, Including Ammonia, in 2018

In 2018, the European Union met all air pollution limit ceilings set for total emissions of the four key pollutants monitored under EU rules. Emissions of nitrogen oxides and ammonia levelled off...

‘Unlike Many Other Air Pollutants, Ammonia Emissions Have Increased since 2013’

The Environment Agency says farmers must take the lead by changing their land management practices Unlike many other air pollutants, emissions of ammonia have increased since 2013. That’s the verdict from the Environment Agency,...

Biomass Burning Releases Pollutants That Cause DNA Damage

The burning of biomass in the Amazon releases particulate matter air pollution that causes oxidative stress as well as severe DNA damage in human lung cells — primarily through the actions of...

Greenland Ice Sheet Likely Contains High Levels Of Anthropogenic Pollutants

The Greenland ice sheet is likely to be heavily contaminated with various globally emitted pollutants — such as PCBs, mercury, lead, PAHs, etc. — according to new research published in the journal...

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

Air pollution is the biggest environmental health risk of our time. It also exacerbates climate change, causes economic losses, and reduces agricultural productivity. It knows no borders – everyone has a responsibility to...

Uppsala has cleanest city air in Europe

The EEA’s European city air quality viewer ranks 375 cities from the cleanest to the most polluted based on average levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5). The data was collected from over 500...

EU Tightens Measures on Industrial Emissions

The European Union has made significant progress in its environmental protection policy by updating the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), which comes into effect on August 4, 2024, and has evolved into the...

Maribor – Circular Economy Implementation Hub

Back in the day, Maribor was one of the most developed cities in Yugoslavia. Today, it is the second largest city in Slovenia and the first in the region to apply the...

How hybrid planes could make aviation more sustainable

Aviation accounts for around percent of global annual CO2 emissions, but it is often regarded as one of the most challenging industries to decarbonize. This is because the number of people travelling by...

Regional Fora Aim to Increase Country Ambition Ahead of Next Round of Climate Plans

As record temperatures and unprecedented impacts of climate change continue to affect billions of people across the planet, the United Nations and partners have announced a series of regional meetings aimed at...

Possibilities of Artificial Intelligence in Environmental Protection

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used for environmental protection, offering ever-increasing possibilities. We cannot see and translate most of the connections that determine the state of the environment into equations. This...

UNEP and Ministry of Environment Sign Agreement to Reinforce Environmental Action in Brazil

In a move to renew and increate collaboration on the propriety issues of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and waste and pollution, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Ministry...

With Luxen Solar to a Healthier Environment

We live in a time when we face major global challenges to prevent further environmental pollution and ensure a healthy and environmentally clean environment. Every individual must contribute to this goal, as...

What Happens When the Lifespan of Solar Panels Ends? Is There a Reason for Concern?

New technologies bring hope for a better and safer future, but at the same time, they also bring anxiety – what negative consequences might they leave behind? Electric vehicles, for example, are...

Development of Environmental Protection

Humanity’s contemplation about its negative impact on nature has left a written trace dating back several centuries. Yet, at that time, there was not enough knowledge about the extent to which such...

Precise Strategies and Plans for Mitigating the Consequences of Climate Change

Biodiversity is particularly important for Romania because around 23 per cent of the country’s surface is occupied by protected natural areas, which are part of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas in the European Union. Romania has...



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