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Polar Bears Could Be Nearly Gone by 2100, Study Finds

A new study has found that polar bears could be gone by 2100 unless greenhouse gas emissions are reduced. Rising global temperatures, due to carbon emissions, have caused large amounts of...

Russian Military Responding to Polar Bear Invasion in Arctic Town

The Russian military is taking measures to protect the residents of a remote Arctic settlement from a mass of polar bears, German press agency DPA reported. The move comes after regional authorities declared...

New Bear on the Block: Grizzlies Spotted in Black and Polar Bear Habitats

For the first time, scientists have observed three American bear species—the black bear, polar bear and grizzly bear—using the same habitat in Canada's Wapusk National Park."Scientifically, it has never been documented anywhere," Doug...

Slow Arctic Freeze Raises Risk of Polar Bear Extinction, Say Scientists

Record absence of ice after freak warm spells denies pregnant bears birthing dens and triggers ‘extirpation event’ warning.A record slow freeze of many regions of the Arctic this winter is making it harder for...

NASA Launches Small Climate Satellite to Study Earth’s Poles

The first of a pair of climate satellites designed to study heat emissions at Earth’s poles for NASA is in orbit after lifting off atop Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket from the company’s...

Melting of the cryosphere cryosphere – changes and consequences

The cryosphere is the area of our planet where water freezes into snow or ice. The cryosphere is divided into snow, ice, glaciers, ice shelves or icebergs, sea ice and permafrost. Some...

How technology can make the climate crisis accessible, undeniable and actionable

We’ve all seen haunting images of receding glaciers, but how many of us have ventured into their melting heartlands, felt the ancient ice slipping away or heard the roar as it cascaded...

Record Heat Sends Sea Ice Into Retreat, Worrying Scientists

The recent collapse of a 1,100km2 ice shelf in Antarctica came at a time of record high temperatures and is a symptom of a planet in a climate crisis, experts say.   The...

Ozone Research Managers Say no Room for Complacency on Ozone Layer Recovery

Ozone experts from around the world have stressed the importance of systematic observations to monitor the state of the ozone layer and the presence of ozone-depleting substances, and to increase understanding of...

Ozone Layer Finally Healing After Damage Caused by Aerosols, UN Says

The ozone layer is showing signs of continuing recovery from man-made damage and is likely to heal fully by 2060, new evidence shows.The measures taken to repair the damage will also have...

Build Walls on Seafloor to Stop Glaciers Melting, Scientists Say

Barriers could halt slide of undersea glaciers and hold back sea level rises predicted to result from global warming. Building walls on the seafloor may become the next frontier of climate science, as...

World-Leading Plant Growth Facility Set to Become More Sustainable

One of the most advanced plant growth facilities in the world, which is helping scientists to enhance our understanding of how crops are being affected by climate change and disease, is set...

£20m Study to Investigate Collapse Risk of Major Antarctic Glacier

British and US scientists are to collaborate on a £20m project to examine the Thwaites glacier in west Antarctica, a major glacier that drains an area about the size of the UK. The...

Oddly Enough, More Snow in Antarctica Could Slow Rising Sea Levels

Climate change affects our world in inscrutable ways, and scientists struggle to capture its interconnected impacts. Antarctica is a good example: global temperatures are known to increase the amount of vapor in...

Average Temperatures In Alaska In December Shatter Existing Record

Climate scientists have been warning us for decades that global warming will affect polar regions first. If that is so — assuming those scientists are not all being paid by the Chinese...

Why Remote Antarctica Is so Important in a Warming World

Ever since the ancient Greeks speculated a continent must exist in the south polar regions to balance those in the north, Antarctica has been popularly described as remote and extreme. Over the...



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