Search results for:jasna dragojevic

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50.4 Million Euros Secured for the Largest Floating Solar Power Plant in Europe

The trend of increasing solar power capacity is expanding to water surfaces, and one of the largest such projects in Europe is being built in northwestern France. After the project faced financing...

The First Carbon Capture and Storage Project in Italy

The first carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in Italy is known as the Ravenna CCS Project, launched exclusively for environmental purposes. Its goal is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to...

Čelinac gets two Solar Power Plants

The municipality of Čelinac is located not far from Banja Luka. One part of the territory extends at an altitude of 800 meters; in the largest part of the municipality, the altitude...


Energetski portal IN000200 E-mail: info@energetskiportal.rsPUBLISHER: CEEFOR Ltd. Bulevar oslobođenja 103/3, 11010 Beograd, Srbija PIB: 106783129EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Nevena ĐukićEXECUTIVE EDITOR Milica RadičevićEDITORIAL BOARD Prof. Goran Jankes, Ph.D. Miloš Kostić Milos SaletaJOURNALISTS AND PHOTOJOURNALISTS Katarina Vuinac Milena Maglovski Milica Vučković  Jasna DragojevićPROOFREADER Ivana KostićWEB EP teamFirst editor until July, 2014:...



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