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Green Projects of Serbian Scientists – Biopesticides for Protection of Trees From Deadly Pests

The spongy moth is one of the most dangerous forest pests in Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa. This invasive pest can weaken and destroy trees by defoliating, i.e. destroying the leaves....

EU Support for Green Transition Projects in Serbia

The European Union launched the European Green Deal, paving the way for a comprehensive approach to green in all sectoral policies. The Green Deal was extended to the Western Balkans in the...

Green Bonds for Financing the Development of Environmental Projects

Green bonds are a relatively young financial instrument dating back just over 15 years. In 2007, the European Investment Bank (EIB) issued these securities for the first time. Green bonds are debt...

EIB Investments Reached 853 Million Euros in the Western Balkans in 2021, Increasing Support for Green and Digital Projects

The European Investment Bank Group (EIB), the bank of the European Union, invested 853 million euros overall across the Western Balkans in 2021 for sustainable development, the green transition, digitalisation and support for...

Korea Development Bank Issues $300 Million Green Bond For Renewable Energy Projects

The Korea Development Bank has issued its first green bond aimed at funding implementation and expansion of renewable energy projects. The Bank raised $300 million from investors in Asia, Europe, and the United...

Greenpeace: Investment in Nuclear Power Plants is Expensive

Greenpeace activists from eight countries, during the International Conference on Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE), held in Portorož, sent the message, "Nuclear fairy tale, costly reality!" In a referendum to be held...

How Solar & Storage Will Drive the Balkan Green Energy Transition

The Balkans region is one of Europe’s most promising areas for solar growth. Boasting excellent solar irradiation and a rapidly improving investment climate, the region is making headway in realizing its solar...

The RES SERBIA 2024 Conference Announces new Investments for a Greener Serbia

Which wind and solar power plants will participate in auctions for market premiums, how European manufacturers of wind generators, solar panels and other equipment are fighting with competition from China, and what...

Backing Romania’s Green Ambition with 110 Million Euros Finance Package

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Raiffeisen Bank International are providing a 110 million euros financing package to build and operate two solar photovoltaic power plants in south-eastern Romania,...

EBRD Arranges 40.1 Million Euros Financing to Elektroprivreda BiH towards Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Green Transition  

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a EUR 25.1 million loan to Elektroprivreda Bosne i Hercegovine (EPBiH), the largest public electricity generation and distribution utility in Bosnia and...

United Hands Make the Planet Greener

The strength and will that a person carries inside of them is most strongly manifested in the difficult moments that life brings. The first days of the coronavirus pandemic prompted us to...

Green Transformation of the Republic of Croatia

Access to European Union funds provides the Republic of Croatia with the necessary finances for investments in infrastructure construction, as well as green and digital transition. Thanks to this, the country can...

Morocco’s Big Green Hydrogen Potential – Can the Country Become a Major Player in the Transition to Sustainable Fuel?

Morocco's potential for the production of renewable energy from wind and sun positions the country very high on the list of the most important stakeholders in the global transition towards green fuels....

The Intelligence of the Youth in Serbia Illuminates the Green Path of Sustainable Development of Local Areas

Even if you are not interested in the topics related to sustainable development and energy efficiency, you must have heard of Aspern Seestadt. This completely self-sustaining city gets energy from renewable sources,...

Support for the Implementation of Innovative Solutions for a Smooth Green Transition

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has a unique financing programme designed by the organization’s key development team. The financing programme is related to Public Calls in the form of challenges for...

New Agrisolar Digital Map Presents over 200 Projects across Europe

SolarPower Europe has launched a new digital map highlighting more than 200 agrisolar projects across Europe that exceed a combined capacity of 2.8 GW, including both pilot and commercial projects. Agrisolar, referring to...



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