Search results for:fruit

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A Natural Solution For Slower Decay of Fruits and Fagetables

How often does it happen that fruits and vegetables in shops and homes start decaying after a short time? As soon as they change color, fruits like bananas end up as food...

This Flying AI Robot Can Pick Fruit – Preventing Waste in the Process

It’s getting harder to find fruit pickers to harvest the world’s orchards. COVID-19 travel restrictions have prevented seasonal workers crossing borders, so some farmers are turning to AI drones to pick their...

FAO Launches the UN’s International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, today launched the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 (IYFV) with an appeal to improve healthy...

Heatwave Wipes Out Third of Spectacled Fruit Bats in Australia

A heatwave that swept Australia in November killed a third of an entire bat species. On the 26th and 27th of November last year, temperatures soared above 42°C, resulting in around 23,000 spectacled...

Fruitful Cooperation between the Local Self-government and the Civil Sector in Paracin

At the end of the 1980s in Paracin, the local Ecological Movement and the Young Researchers division were established thanks to liberal ideas of the youth organisation of that time. These were...

Majority of UK Public Want to Bin Fruit and Veg Packaging

Around 92% of the British public want to get rid of fruit and vegetable packaging or make it recyclable. That’s the suggestion from a new survey conducted by D-CYFOR, which shows 68% of...

India’s ‘Fruit of the Gods’ Could Make Solar Cells Cheaper and More Efficient

Scientists at the Institute of Technology (IIT)-Roorkee in India are investigating if commonly available fruits and fruit juices could help make solar cells cheaper and more efficient. The researchers were able to fabricate...

Organela – The Harmony Of Clean Energy and Organic Agriculture

Clean energy development is a key moment in efforts to establish energy security and preserve our planet. Due to increasingly affordable construction costs, solar power plants have become the most prevalent renewable...

The Serbian Electricity Exchange Ensures the Highest European Standards

After almost a decade since its foundation and becoming operational in February 2016, the Serbian Electricity Exchange (SEEPEX) has firmly positioned itself not only as an important support provider in green transition...

EU Support for Green Transition Projects in Serbia

The European Union launched the European Green Deal, paving the way for a comprehensive approach to green in all sectoral policies. The Green Deal was extended to the Western Balkans in the...

Increasing Energy Investment in Africa is Vital for the Continent’s Sustainable Economic Growth

Meeting growing energy demand in Africa requires a surge of spending on clean energy projects, with swift action to tackle financial barriers so investment can reach the levels that are needed, according...

Green Kilowatts for the Supply of 10,000 Households

The companies B2 Nova Sun, B2 Sunspot, and Elektroprivreda Srbije, a joint stock company, signed electricity purchase and balance responsibility contracts for two solar power plants. B2 Nova Sun – Nova Crnja...

Development of Environmental Protection

Humanity’s contemplation about its negative impact on nature has left a written trace dating back several centuries. Yet, at that time, there was not enough knowledge about the extent to which such...

Improving Environmental Protection in Serbia

Solving environment-related problems and protecting the environment are still the top priorities and challenges for both people living in the Republic of Serbia and state institutions. In 2023, the Ministry of Environmental...

How can Nuclear Techniques Improve Food Safety?

The issue of food security is becoming increasingly important due to climate change, degradation of arable land, pollution and population growth. There are many ways to ensure food is safe, and one...

Why is Compost Important, and How to Make Compost?

Disseminating environmental awareness has made popular numerous activities and habits that we as a society once might have been ashamed of or thought should not occupy a place in our lives. Although...



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