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With innovative equipment for digitizing the monitoring of forest areas, Montenegro will prevent illegal logging. The Near Field Communication (NFC) is a technology that enables communication between devices located close to each other...

The World Must Halt Deforestation and Use Forests Sustainably, FAO Director-General says

The world must halt deforestation, plant trees to make the planet greener and restore productive capacities, and use forests and trees sustainably, QU Dongyu, the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization...

Six Things to Know About Forests and Your Health

Forests are indispensable to human health: Their protection, management, and restoration support disease regulation, nutrition, and more. But what exactly is the science behind forests and human health? And why is the...

In Moldova, Shelter Belt Forests Build Rural Livelihoods and Protect Against Climate Change Impacts

Mihail Bozianu’s interest in beekeeping started early. “I was 11 years old and we had nothing,” he remembers. “I started on my own with two hives. By the day I graduated from...

Costa Rica Will Invest 54 Million Dollars in Climate Action Thanks to the Conservation of its Forests

Thanks to the conservation of its forests, Costa Rica will invest 54 million dollars over the next five years from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which last November recognized 14,7 million metric...

Collaborative Partnership on Forests Calls for Halt to Deforestation

A group of 15 international organizations working on forestry today issued a joint statement highlighting the need to halt the destruction of the world’s forests. The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) comprises UN...

UNEP Launches a Virtual Journey Through Three Iconic Forests

The COVID-19 pandemic might have scotched your vacation plans this year. But you can still bound through some of the world’s most iconic landscapes in a new online journey launched by the...

The State of the World’s Forests: Forests, Biodiversity and People

As the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity 2011–2020 comes to a close and countries prepare to adopt a post-2020 global biodiversity framework, this edition of The State of the World’s Forests (SOFO)...

Forests and Waters Are Our Greatest Treasure

We talked to Branislav Nedimovic, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia about the greatest potentials of Serbian agriculture, how to mitigate the effects of climate...

EU Launches New Forest Information System to Improve Knowledge on Forests and Woodlands

Amid a need for more accurate, up-to-date and harmonised data and monitoring on Europe’s valuable woodlands, the European Environment Agency and the European Commission launched a new Forest Information System for Europe...

Ivory Coast Law Could See Chocolate Industry ‘Wipe Out’ Protected Forests

The Ivory Coast’s dwindling rainforests could be “wiped out” under a new law that will see legal protections removed from thousands of square miles of classified forest and unprecedented power handed to...

Europe’s Forests Are Booming and Here’s Why

Around the world, forests are shrinking due to deforestation, urban development and climate change, but in Europe that trend has been reversed. Large areas of the continent have seen a forest boom that...

If We Save Forests, Will They Save the Climate?

Wе all know that forests help fight climate change by cooling the planet. Don’t they?They actually do, capturing and storing carbon from the air for centuries. But this is only part of...

Valuable Wetlands Are Disappearing 3 Times Faster Than Forests, New Study Warns

Wetlands around the world are disappearing at an alarming rate. New research shows that these valuable ecosystems are vanishing at a rate three times that of forests. Unless significant changes are made,...

Study: Children Have Better Nutrition When They Live Near Forests

Spending time in nature is known to boost mental and emotional health. Now, a new global study has found that children in 27 developing nations tend to have more diverse diets and...

Forests Storing Greenhouse Gases ‘Crucial to Tackling Climate Change’

UK scientists say replacing forests with crops for bioenergy power stations that capture carbon could instead increase the amount of emissions. Carbon capture technologies will help curb the world’s efforts to tackle climate...



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