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Global Electricity Demand Set to Rise Strongly this Year and Next, Reflecting its Expanding Role in Energy Systems Around the World

The world’s demand for electricity is rising at its fastest rate in years, driven by robust economic growth, intense heatwaves and increasing uptake of technologies that run on electricity such as EVs...


In 2023, Germany achieved more good results when it came to electricity production. According to the data collated by the Federal Statistical Office - Destatis, last year this country produced 11.8 percent...


The relevant January data showed that renewable energy sources in Croatia were the dominant source of electricity production compared to non-renewable ones. As usual, hydropower plants had the biggest share in renewable energy...


Waste from most factories creates landfills, contaminates soil and groundwater, and frequently and significantly affects large bodies of water. Factories like chemical factories, steel mills, crude oil refineries, and aluminium smelters are...

EBRD Lends EUR 20 Million to Upgrade Bosnia’s Electricity Transmission Grid

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is lending EUR 20 million to Elektroprenos-Elektroprijenos (also known as TransCo), Bosnia and Herzegovina’s transmission system operator, for the modernisation and upgrading of its...

Latest EEA Study Finds Multiple Benefits of Switch to Renewable Electricity

The increased use of renewable electricity across the European Union has not only reduced pressures linked to climate change, but also to air and water pollution (particulate matter formation, eutrophication and acidification),...

Can Electricity Decarbonize the Energy Sector?

The energy sector currently accounts for two-thirds of global carbon emissions; Expedited progress on energy efficiency and low-carbon sources in the energy mix is required to achieve deep decarbonization; As the...

Low-Carbon Energy Makes Majority of UK Electricity for First Time

Low-carbon energy was used to generate more than half of the electricity used in the UK for the first time last year, according to official data. A rapid rise in renewable energy, combined...

Global Report Highlights Australia’s Renewables Potential Amid Mixed Signals for Coal

Australia singled out for possible hydrogen boom, but also forecast to increase coal production. Australia is singled out as a country with strong potential for new hydrogen production facilities in the latest World Energy...

US Renewables Account For 18% Of Energy Mix, Hot On The Heels Of Nuclear

Renewable energy deployment grew at a near-record pace in 2017, increasing by 14% to account for 18% of total US electricity generation, double its contribution a decade ago, and bringing it hot...

Renewables Push Low Carbon Sources to Almost 55 Per Cent of UK Power Mix

The UK's renewables sector continued to perform strongly during the third quarter of last year, according to new official data that shows how increased capacity and availability helped push its share of...

Report: EVs Greener than Diesel Even when Refuelled with Electricity from Coal-Fired Power Stations

Electric vehicles are far greener than their diesel and petrol alternatives over their entire lifetime, even when powered using electricity generated with the dirtiest fossil fuels, according to a new report released...

Britain Delivers Greenest Ever Half Hour of Electricity Production

The UK enjoyed its greenest ever half hour period of electricity production on Monday morning, as wind and nuclear provided the bulk of electricity and coal was pushed off the grid entirely. Between...

US Renewable Energy Provides 19.35% of US Electricity in First Quarter

Ken Bossong of the SUN DAY Campaign sent out an email this week highlighting the latest figures from the US Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) latest Electric Power Monthly. The new report publishes...

Renewable Energy Provides Record Share of Australia’s Electricity in 2016

A new report by Australia’s Clean Energy Council has revealed that renewable energy provided a record share of electricity in 2016 thanks in large part to record rainfalls in key hydro catchment...

Germans Get Almost One-Third of Electricity from Renewables in 2016

In another shining example of renewable energy leadership, in 2016, Germany used more renewable electricity than ever before, receiving 32 percent of the gross amount of electricity consumed in the country from...



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