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Can Government Partnerships Support Responsible and Reliable Critical Mineral Supply Chains?

As governments look to transition away from fossil fuels and accelerate the deployment of clean energy, policy makers are dedicating more attention to securing supplies of critical minerals. Materials such as copper, lithium,...

Sharp Declines in Critical Mineral Prices Mask Risks of Future Supply Strains as Energy Transitions Advance

Pressure eased in 2023 on the market for minerals that go into electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels and other clean energy technologies, as supply outpaced surging demand. But a new report...

Clean Energy Demand For Critical Minerals Set to Soar as the World Pursues Net Zero Goals

Supplies of critical minerals essential for key clean energy technologies like electric vehicles and wind turbines need to pick up sharply over the coming decades to meet the world’s climate goals, creating...

EBRD and EU to Mobilise Up to 100 Million Euros for Critical Raw Materials Investments

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union (EU) have launched a joint facility to provide equity investments for the exploration of critical and strategic raw materials, aiming...

Can EU Mining Waste Regulations Address the Challenges of Increased Mining?

In an effort to reduce its reliance on the import of critical raw materials, which are essential for various industries, including technology, energy, and automotive, Europe plans to increase mining in the...

Increasing Energy Investment in Africa is Vital for the Continent’s Sustainable Economic Growth

Meeting growing energy demand in Africa requires a surge of spending on clean energy projects, with swift action to tackle financial barriers so investment can reach the levels that are needed, according...

SUVs are setting new sales records each year – and so are their emissions

SUVs accounted for 48 per cent of global car sales in 2023, reaching a new record and further strengthening the defining automobile trend of the early 21st century – the shift towards...

Rapid Expansion of Batteries Will Be Crucial to Meet Climate and Energy Security Goals Set at COP28

Growth in batteries outpaced almost all other clean energy technologies in 2023 as falling costs, advancing innovation and supportive industrial policies helped drive up demand for a technology that will be critical...

Financial headwinds for renewables investors: What’s the way forward?

The impressive growth in clean energy investments in recent years has been led by renewable power. Annual spending on solar PV and wind projects has risen by more than USD 300 billion...

Clean technologies are driving job growth in the energy sector, but skills shortages are an increasing concern

The number of jobs in the global energy sector rose in 2022 as growing investment in clean energy technologies drove demand for new workers in every region of the world, according to...

Latin America to play an essential role in the global transition to a more secure and sustainable energy system

At a time of rising geopolitical uncertainty and accelerating energy transitions, an extraordinary endowment of energy and mineral resources, as well as a history of clean energy leadership, positions Latin America and...

ABB expands partnership with Northvolt to electrify the world’s largest battery recycling facility

ABB and Northvolt are further strengthening their long-standing collaboration in the field of green batteries, an increasingly critical part in the ongoing energy transition. Since 2017, ABB has already delivered key electrification...

Manufacturing plans for key clean energy technologies are expanding rapidly as investment momentum builds

Announcements of new manufacturing projects for several essential technologies for the clean energy transition – including solar PV, batteries and electrolysers – have accelerated in recent months, highlighting the growing global momentum...

Global Energy and Climate Leaders Meet in Sydney to Strengthen Clean Energy Technology Supply Chains

Global energy and climate leaders are meeting this week at the Sydney Energy Forum, which is co-hosted by the Australian Government and the IEA, to discuss how to scale up and strengthen...

Global Energy Crisis Shows Urgency Of Accelerating Investment In Cheaper And Cleaner Energy In Africa

Today’s crippling spikes in energy prices underscore the urgency and the benefits for African countries of accelerating the scale up of cheaper and cleaner sources of energy, the IEA says in a...

Global Electric Car Sales Have Continued Their Strong Growth in 2022 After Breaking Records Last Year

Electric car sales powered through 2021 and have remained strong so far in 2022, but ensuring future growth will demand greater efforts to diversify battery manufacturing and critical mineral supplies to reduce...



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