Search results for:coral reefs

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Global Fund for Coral Reefs Approves More than 25 million USD in Additional Funding for Resilience Action

In the face of increasing threats to coral ecosystems and the recent announcement of a fourth global coral bleaching event, the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) Executive Board has announced over...

Why Are Coral Reefs Dying?

Beneath the ocean surface, an expansive network of dynamic skeletal-like invertebrates harbours at least 25 percent of all known marine species. Both hard and soft corals provide the basis for functioning coral...

Seagrass meadows, coral reefs and destructive fishing

A remote area in the middle of the Indian Ocean, between the Seychelles and Mauritius, this underwater plateau the size of Belgium is home to the world’s largest seagrass meadow, some of...

Digital Hub Designed to Protect Coral Reefs Shortlisted for Global Award

A new digital platform to help dive professionals protect fragile coral reefs has been shortlisted as a finalist in the 2020 Con X Tech Prize, an award that provides seed funding to...

Coral Reefs Are ‘Glowing’ in a Desperate Bid to Survive Warmer Seas

A global study has revealed exactly why corals glow during ocean heatwaves: to try and survive. The research by the University of Southampton’s Coral Reef Laboratory shows that some corals exhibit a dazzling...

Seven Ways You’re Connected to Coral Reefs

World Wildlife Day (3 March) is a chance to appreciate all that nature provides. This year’s theme, “Sustaining all life on Earth”, gives thanks to our natural world that allows wild animals,...

New Innovations in Geoengineering Are Needed to Save the Coral Reefs

The coral reef crisis continues thanks to threats like climate change and pollution. With that in mind, the National Academy of Sciences released a major report last week detailing the high-tech interventions...

Coral Reefs ‘Will Be Overwhelmed by Rising Oceans’

Scientists have uncovered a new threat to the world’s endangered coral reefs. They have found that most are incapable of growing quickly enough to compensate for rising sea levels triggered by global...

Hawaii Becomes First US State to Ban Sunscreens Harmful to Coral Reefs

Coral reefs and sunshine keep tourists flocking to Hawaii but add sunscreen to that holiday mix and the result can be serious damage to the marine environment that makes the islands so...

World’s Coral Reefs Reaching The Point Of No Return

The vast majority of the world’s coral reefs are now reaching the point of no return — the point at which it wouldn’t even theoretically be possible to save them from disappearing...

Coral Reefs Show Signs Of Both Climate Stress & Resilience

Coral reefs are home to a vast array of ocean creatures. They provide food, protection against storm damage, sustain tourism and inspire wonder. “If we lose corals, we lose a vital piece...

Coral Reefs Are Dying Faster than Ever! We Have to Do Something, NOW!

Photo: Unless we act now, we could lose all reefs by 2050, risking the food source and livelihood of half a billion people. Coral reefs are a critical global ecosystem. They support 25%...

More than Half of the World’s Fragile Coral Reefs Are Under Threat

14 July 2016 – More than half of the world’s fragile coral reefs are under threat and most of our major fish stocks are now over exploited, according to the latest global...

Forecasting Coral Disease Outbreaks Could Buy Time to Save Reefs

Hawaii's knobby finger coral careened toward extinction in 2015. The species was so rare that scientists could only find a few fragments in the wild, scattered across the seabed of Oahu's Kaneohe...

A 600-Year-Old Coral Records Changes in Pacific Ocean Temperatures

Global warming is affecting the increase in sea and ocean temperatures, leaving its mark on underwater life. One such coral in Fiji, over 600 years old, has recorded how the temperatures of...

The world’s Corals are Bleaching – Here’s Why

Two prominent research organizations confirmed a few weeks ago what scientists had long thought: the world’s warm water coral reefs are bleaching en masse for the fourth time in 25 years. Corals are...



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