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Siemens Gamesa in Deal to Provide Clean Electricity to 240,000 People in Vietnam

Vietnam has some of the best wind resources in Southeast Asia. In an effort to tap the country’s potential and provide more clean energy to the country, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy will...

UK Hits Clean Energy Milestone: 50% of Electricity from Low Carbon Sources

Half of the UK’s electricity came from wind turbines, solar panels, wood burning and nuclear reactors between July and September, in a milestone first. Official figures published on Thursday show low carbon power,...

Record 46% of UK’s Electricity Generated by Clean Energy Sources in 2015

Almost half the UK’s electricity came from clean energy sources such as wind and nuclear power last year, official figures have revealed. Renewables accounted for a quarter of the country’s power supplies in...

Uruguay makes dramatic shift to nearly 95% of electricity from clean energy

In less than 10 years the country has slashed its carbon footprint and lowered electricity costs, without government subsidies. Delegates at the Paris summit can learn much from its success. Renewables now...

Organela – The Harmony Of Clean Energy and Organic Agriculture

Clean energy development is a key moment in efforts to establish energy security and preserve our planet. Due to increasingly affordable construction costs, solar power plants have become the most prevalent renewable...

Global Electricity Demand Set to Rise Strongly this Year and Next, Reflecting its Expanding Role in Energy Systems Around the World

The world’s demand for electricity is rising at its fastest rate in years, driven by robust economic growth, intense heatwaves and increasing uptake of technologies that run on electricity such as EVs...

Islands need resilient power systems more than ever. Clean energy can deliver

Small and remote islands are subject to an array of energy challenges. As they are often isolated from mainland power grids, many face difficulties balancing supply and demand. They tend to be heavily dependent...

Investment in Clean Energy This Year is Set to be Twice the Amount Going to Fossil Fuels

Despite pressures on financing, global investment in clean energy is set to reach almost double the amount going to fossil fuels in 2024, helped by improving supply chains and lower costs for...

Rapid rollout of clean technologies makes energy cheaper, not more costly

Speeding up the move to clean energy technologies improves the affordability of energy and can relieve pressures on the cost of living more broadly, according to a new IEA special report released...

Serbian Scientists in the Fight for Cleaner air and Greater Energy Efficiency

In Western Balkan countries, thermal power plants are the leading electricity producers, accounting for about 54 per cent of the total energy production. At the same time, thermal power plants are the...

How Can the Collision of Salt and Fresh Water Create Electricity?

Estuaries are places where freshwater river and saltwater marine ecosystems meet. They are important for biodiversity, as they are home to many species of plants and animals that have adapted to the...

Surging investment in manufacturing of clean energy technologies is supporting economic growth

Booming investment in the manufacturing of clean energy technologies, especially solar PV and batteries, is becoming a powerful economic driver globally, creating new industrial and employment opportunities, according to a new report...

Clean energy is boosting economic growth

Clean energy is moving towards centre stage in the global energy system – and as its importance rises, a new clean energy economy is emerging. Clean electricity accounted for around 80 percent of...

BIG Solar Uses an Environmentally Friendly Method to Clean and Maintain Solar Panels

Solar energy is an excellent source of clean and renewable energy. Whether summer or winter, solar power plants require dedicated maintenance and regular cleaning to function properly and last as long as...


In 2023, Germany achieved more good results when it came to electricity production. According to the data collated by the Federal Statistical Office - Destatis, last year this country produced 11.8 percent...


Although there was an increase in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2023, due to the large droughts that damaged hydropower plants, it was still a smaller increase compared to 2022. Smaller growth of...



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