Search results for:biotechnology

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ABB Launches Next-Generation Robotics Control Platform OmniCore

ABB Robotics launched OmniCore™, an intelligent automation platform that is faster, more precise and more sustainable, to empower, enhance and futureproof businesses. The OmniCore platform, the result of more than 170 million dollars...


And while Serbia lags behind more developed countries in many respects, it is also proud of its young, talented people who win awards at knowledge competitions. The Biljna tajna student team stands...


Chances are you’ve heard of kombucha, a drink made from green or black tea with added sugar and bacteria or yeast. You may have even wanted to check out its widely known...

Serbia Will Be Fully Recognised as Country of New Technologies

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic expressed her belief that the BIO4 campus will further strengthen our economy, raise the average salary and pension level, and ensure that young people stay in Serbia, but...

A New Declaration to Help Save our Oceans

Last week, world leaders adopted a landmark declaration at the United Nations’ Ocean Conference in Lisbon to scale up science-based and innovative actions and address the ocean emergency of habitat loss, ocean...

This Is How CO2 Can Be Transformed Into Food for Animals

A British biotechnology start-up is converting industrial greenhouses gases into protein for animal fodder. The company uses a process it says can help to feed the world’s growing population while simultaneously being...

The Circular Economy Can Help Save the Planet –⁠ if We Start Innovating Now

As we begin 2021, businesses face a complex matrix of challenges – from rising geo-economic tensions to the urgency of the climate crisis. With less than ten years to achieve the United...

World Food Day: How Soon Will We Be Eating Lab-Grown Meat?

Feeding 10 billion mouths in 2050 poses a big challenge for the food industry. Doing that while also reducing carbon emissions enough to save the planet on which we depend for our...

Ph.D. Aleksandar Joksimovic: The Adriatic is Our Heritage – We Must Preserve It!

With four national parks and a multitude of forest systems, more than 50 protected plant species and 320 animal species, although small in size, Montenegro has three different natural environments at a distance...

The Study from The University of Washington Showed – Petite Poplars are the Future of Biofuels

In the quest to produce affordable biofuels, poplar trees are one of the Pacific Northwest's best bets - the trees are abundant, fast-growing, adaptable to many terrains and their wood can be...

Fungi That Evolved to Eat Wood Offer New Biomass Conversion Tool

Twenty years ago, microbiologist Barry Goodell, now a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and colleagues discovered a unique system that some microorganisms use to digest and recycle wood. Three orders...

A Step Toward Renewable Diesel

MIT engineers have genetically reprogrammed a strain of yeast so that it converts sugars to fats much more efficiently, an advance that could make possible the renewable production of high-energy fuels such...



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