Search results for:biofuels

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The Study from The University of Washington Showed – Petite Poplars are the Future of Biofuels

In the quest to produce affordable biofuels, poplar trees are one of the Pacific Northwest's best bets - the trees are abundant, fast-growing, adaptable to many terrains and their wood can be...

British Airways Tries Again on Waste Based Biofuels

UK carrier British Airways (BA) has partnered with renewable fuels company Velocys, after an earlier waste-to-fuel initiative named GreenSky with Washington-based Solena Fuels fell through. This latest venture uses fuel derived from waste...

Cutting the Cost of Ethanol, other Biofuels and Gasoline is Pretty Simple

Biofuels like the ethanol in U.S. gasoline could get cheaper thanks to experts at Rutgers University-New Brunswick and Michigan State University. They've demonstrated how to design and genetically engineer enzyme surfaces so they...

MEPs vote to ban the use of palm oil in biofuels

MEPs have voted overwhelmingly to ban biofuels made from vegetable oils including palm oil by 2020, to prevent the EU’s renewable transport targets from inadvertently contributing to deforestation. A new palm oil regulation,...

Sustainable Flight with Biofuels

If the aviation sector were a country, it would be the eighth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world — using planes and helicopters to move people and cargo around the world...

Energy Department Announces $15 Million to Advance Algae-based Biofuels and Bioproducts

The Energy Department of USA announced on Friday, up to $15 million for three projects aimed at reducing the production costs of algae-based biofuels and bioproducts through improvements in algal biomass yields....

Why Aren’t We Reducing our Reliance on Fossil Fuels Faster?

The world must rapidly cut its greenhouse gas emissions. Remarkable progress has been made, especially in the adoption of renewable energy in the transport and energy sectors, but the change is not...

EU hits Chinese biodiesel with anti-dumping measures

The European Commission announced today that it will impose anti-dumping tariffs of up to 36.4 percent on biodiesel imports from China. This is a step in the right direction for limiting imports...

Brazil’s Opportunity to Lead the Global Dialogue on Energy and Climate

Brazil is a frontrunner in clean energy transitions: among the world’s largest economies, it boasts the lowest share of fossil fuels in its energy mix. Holding the G20 Presidency in 2024, Brazil...

OMV Serbia – Energy for a Better Life

An integrated energy, fuel, raw material, and chemical company, OMV, based in Vienna, is transforming into a leading company in sustainable fuels while playing a key role in the circular economy. The...

Massive expansion of renewable power opens door to achieving global tripling goal set at COP28

The world’s capacity to generate renewable electricity is expanding faster than at any time in the last three decades, giving it a real chance of achieving the goal of tripling global capacity...

The oil and gas industry faces a moment of truth and an opportunity to adapt

Oil and gas producers face pivotal choices about their role in the global energy system amid a worsening climate crisis fuelled in large part by their core products, according to a major...

Imports of green energy products more than doubled in 2022

Clean energy is a fundamental part of the European Green Deal. In pursuit of this, green energy products such as wind turbines, liquid biofuels and solar panels are required. Utilising these energy...

Latin America to play an essential role in the global transition to a more secure and sustainable energy system

At a time of rising geopolitical uncertainty and accelerating energy transitions, an extraordinary endowment of energy and mineral resources, as well as a history of clean energy leadership, positions Latin America and...

Renewables Jobs Nearly Doubled in Past Decade, Soared to 13.7 Million in 2022

Worldwide employment in renewable energy reached 13.7 million in 2022, an increase of one million since 2021 and up from a total of 7.3 million in 2012, according to a new report...


Official data show that biomass is one of Serbia’s most significant renewable energy potentials, especially regarding agricultural biomass. Unfortunately, its potential is almost untapped. Serbia ranks fifth in Europe in heat energy production...



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