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Air Pollution Leads to more Drug Resistant Bacteria, Study Finds

Black carbon found in air pollution can increase the resistance of bacteria that cause respiratory disease, research has found. The discover could lead to a greater understanding of the effects of air pollution...

Innovative “Living Plastic” Decomposes in Just One Week

The fight against plastic pollution is crucial for the protection of natural resources and mitigating the climate crisis. Developing environmentally friendly solutions and reducing the use of plastic in everyday life are...

White Paper Presented in Serbia That Could Make the Waste Management System More Sustainable

The recently presented White Paper on Waste-to-Energy in Serbia aims to provide a clear and reliable insight into all aspects of waste incineration and to address many of the questions that this...

How can Nuclear Techniques Improve Food Safety?

The issue of food security is becoming increasingly important due to climate change, degradation of arable land, pollution and population growth. There are many ways to ensure food is safe, and one...

A Natural Solution For Slower Decay of Fruits and Fagetables

How often does it happen that fruits and vegetables in shops and homes start decaying after a short time? As soon as they change color, fruits like bananas end up as food...

Europe’s Bathing Waters Remain Safe

As you prepare for warm summer days ahead, you will be happy to learn that the vast majority - 85.4 per cent - of bathing water sites in Europe met the EU's...

Europe’s Bathing Waters Remain Safe

As you prepare for warm summer days ahead, you will be happy to learn that the vast majority - 85.4 4 per cent - of bathing water sites in Europe met the...

More Bioplastics for Less Microplastics

Plastic pollution leads to various problems, especially for marine animals, which get injured when they get stuck in or swallow a plastic object. There are also warnings that certain plastic products should...

BIG Solar Uses an Environmentally Friendly Method to Clean and Maintain Solar Panels

Solar energy is an excellent source of clean and renewable energy. Whether summer or winter, solar power plants require dedicated maintenance and regular cleaning to function properly and last as long as...


Not so long ago, we witnessed a global pandemic. In our country, the first case was recorded over three years ago. After that, the situation became more complicated and less clear every...

What is fuelling the world’s antimicrobial resistance crisis?

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the greatest global health threats. It was associated with an estimated five million deaths in 2019, and if left unchecked, it could have a catastrophic impact on...


Renewable energy sources have become an inevitable topic, especially in the last year, yet it seems that contemplating them is reduced to very few sources. Solar energy could take the first place...


Chances are you’ve heard of kombucha, a drink made from green or black tea with added sugar and bacteria or yeast. You may have even wanted to check out its widely known...

Number 26 – September 2022

Dear readers,Imagine that one cloudy afternoon around five, you unlock the door of your apartment, a cold and dark space is in front of you, and you press the buttons in a...

What is the Sixth Mass Extinction and What Can We Do About It?

A mass extinction is a short period of geological time in which a high percentage of biodiversity, or distinct species—bacteria, fungi, plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates—dies out. In this definition, it’s...

Sustainability is in Fashion

The concept of fast fashion prevails in the fashion industry. Garments are mass produced, and from harmful materials, and in the process of their creation, many natural resources are consumed. When we...



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