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Global Warming – Tundras Threatening to Release Stored CO2?

Tundras are cold regions of the world, biomes with short vegetation, lower trees, and extremely low temperatures, which cover large parts of northern Russia, Scandinavia, Canada, Alaska, and the coast of Greenland. They...

COP26 Climate Pledges Could Help Limit Global Warming to 1.8 °C, but Implementing Them Will Be the Key

At the COP26 Climate Change Conference taking place in Glasgow, a key question is what do all the new pledges by different countries to reduce emissions mean for global warming? This was...

These Are the ‘Positive’ Tipping Points That Could Slow Global Warming

There may be light at the end of the tunnel in the battle to reduce carbon emissions. Governments and institutions could help halt carbon emissions with just a few carefully selected policy measures,...

New Jersey’s Plan To Cut Global Warming Emissions 80 percentage By 2050

As I wrote earlier today, New Jersey has a legal requirement to cut its greenhouse gas emissions 80 percentage by 2050, based on 2006 levels. Its biggest source of emissions is transportation, accounting...

Landmark UN Climate Report Urges ‘Rapid and Unprecedented’ Action to Limit Global Warming

It warns human activities have already caused around 1°C of warming above pre-industrial levels and is likely to reach 1.5°C by as early as 2030 Governments across the world must take “rapid, far-reaching...

New Study Reconciles a Dispute About How Fast Global Warming Will Happen

Unfortunately, mainstream climate scientists are still right, and we’re running out of time to avoid dangerous global warming. We’re currently on pace to double the carbon dioxide-equivalent (including other greenhouse gases) in the...

Rising Ocean Waters from Global Warming Could Cost Trillions of Dollars

Ocean waters are rising because of global warming. They are rising for two reasons. First, and perhaps most obvious, ice is melting. There is a tremendous amount of ice locked away in...

Global Warming Will Depress Economic Growth in Trump Country

A working paper recently published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond concludes that global warming could significantly slow economic growth in the US.Specifically, rising summertime temperatures in the hottest states will...

Scientists Suggest a Giant Sunshade in the Sky Could Solve Global Warming

It sounds like the stuff of science fiction: the creation, using balloons or jets, of a manmade atmospheric sunshade to shield the most vulnerable countries in the global south against the worst...

Researchers Unveil Several Ways to Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C by 2100

A group of researchers led by International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis has used new modelling scenarios to showcase several ways with which to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C by 2100. According...

Good News! Study Claims Global Warming Will Only Be Disastrous, Not Catastrophic

We all know the Earth is getting warmer. Everyone except Republicans knows the increase in temperature is related to carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels. Climate scientists don’t agree on how much...

Northern Red Sea Could Be Unique Global Warming Refuge for Coral

Lying at the northern tip of the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aqaba might be able sustain its coral population for another 100 to 150 years, despite global warming, new research predicts. Scientists...

New Study: Global Warming Limit Can Still Be Achieved

Scientists in the UK have good news for the 195 nations that pledged to limit global warming to well below 2°C: it can be done. The ideal limit of no more than...

World Abandoning Coal in Dramatic Style Raises Hope of Avoiding Dangerous Global Warming, Says Report

As Donald Trump pledges to put coal miners back to work in the United States, the rest of the world appears to have suddenly started moving in the opposite direction, abandoning the...

Stopping Global Warming is Only Way to Save Great Barrier Reef, Scientists Warn

The survival of the Great Barrier Reef hinges on urgent moves to cut global warming because nothing else will protect coral from the coming cycle of mass bleaching events, new research has...

Climate Scientists Say Likelihood of Extreme Summers Surging Due to Global Warming

New South Wales, which has just experienced its hottest summer on record, is 50 times more likely to experience another similarly hot summer and 10 times more likely to experience extremely hot...



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