Search results for:Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Solar Energy in Serbia and the Countries of the Region

Solar energy has recorded significant development in recent years, with a 40 per cent growth rate in the European Union alone. Globally speaking, countries that participated in last year’s United Nations Conference...


Citizens of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) are very interested in the construction of solar panels, that is, in becoming prosumers, according to the research carried out by the Renewable...

Additional EBRD loan and EU grant for Corridor Vc in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The construction of Corridor Vc, a key infrastructure project in Bosnia and Herzegovina that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) supports, is progressing with new financing from the EBRD, European...

Energy Week Western Balkans 2023: the agenda is underway and promising a resounding success

As Energy Week Western Balkan is approaching, the conference agenda promises a resounding success. Here is some food for thought to prepare for Day 1 of EWWB. Traditionally, Energy Week has a grand...


Many years of experience in constructing solar power plants have positioned MT-KOMEX as a safe and reliable partner. Engineers and installers employed by the company regularly attend specially prepared trainings and have...

The construction of mini hydroelectric power plants is prohibited in the Federation of BiH

As of Thursday, in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina the construction of small hydropower plants with an installed capacity of up to ten megawatts is prohibited. The House of Peoples of the...

Environmental Concerns Increase With Decision on Lifetime Extension of Tuzla 4 and Kakanj 5

On 24 March, the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina endorsed conclusions to cancel the application of the opt-out regime of the Large Combustion Plants...

The Protection of the Oceans and Seas is Indispensable for the Planet

At the beginning of May 2021, the preparation started for the 15th gathering of the states that signed the UN Convention on Biological Diversity CBD. The main topic was the development of...

Bosnia and Herzegovina Takes Steps to Address Challenges Arising From Small Hydropower Development

This week’s adoption of the Declaration on River Protection by the National Assembly of , one of the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a welcome step forward in addressing the...

Regional Conference “Hum (Balkan) Investment Energy Summit”

The regional conference “Hum (Balkan) Investment Energy Summit” - “Conference on Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Energy Efficiency, and Environmental Protection” will be held tomorrow at the location of the “Bosnian Pyramids –...


The Union of Employers of the Republic of Srpska, with the support of the Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Srpska, organizes the Banjaluka Energy Forum – Let’s save...

Building a sustainable future of the Western Balkans

The business gathering entitled,, POWER OF SUSTAINABILITY 2023'' Festival which will be held in Mostar on September 21/22, 2023. is a continuation of business networking activities organized by the Foreign Investors Council...

Energy Week Western Balkans 2023

It’s that exciting time of year again when preparations are in full swing for Energy Week Western Balkans 2023, the region’s premier renewables investment conference. The event is taking place on 18-19th October...

Ministerial Council decides in the Tuzla 7 case

At its meeting yesterday, the Ministerial Council decided that Bosnia and Herzegovina breached its obligations under Energy Community law with regard to the Tuzla 7 project. The public utility Elektroprivreda Bosne i Hercegovine...

MT-KOMEX BH – Regional actor for solar energy

After a hundred thousand solar panels were installed in Serbia, it was entirely natural for the company MT-KOMEX that the next step was to expand its business in the region. With significant...

Mihajlovic: Those Who Shut Down Serbian Energy Industry Put us in a Situation Where We Depend on One Gas Supplier

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister of Mining and Energy, Zorana Mihajlovic, said today that those who fought for nothing to change in Serbian energy sector and for it to remain...



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