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Record Heat Sends Sea Ice Into Retreat, Worrying Scientists

The recent collapse of a 1,100km2 ice shelf in Antarctica came at a time of record high temperatures and is a symptom of a planet in a climate crisis, experts say.   The...

Another Wake-Up Call: Sea Ice Loss is Speeding Up

Last week, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) confirmed the highest temperature ever recorded in the Arctic, 38C, on 20 June 2020. This warming is causing previously permanently frozen permafrost below ground to thaw. The Arctic...

Arctic Sea Ice Hits Second-Lowest Winter Peak on Record

Arctic sea ice has experienced its maximum extent for the year, reaching 14.48 million square kilometers (approximately 5.59 million square miles) on March 17—the second smallest in the 39-year satellite record. The provisional...

Arctic Experienced 2nd Warmest Year & Lowest Winter Sea Ice Extent On Record In 2017

The Arctic region experienced its second-warmest year (by air temperature) and its lowest winter sea ice extent on record in 2017, according to the 12th edition of NOAA’s Arctic Report Card. The peer-reviewed...

Sea Ice Falls to Record Lows in Both the Arctic and Antarctic

The Arctic and Antarctic have experienced record lows in sea ice extent so far in 2017, according to the latest data from the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). At about...

Global Heat Melts Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice to Record Lows – UN agency

17 February 2017 – It should be winter on the Arctic pole – the northern most point in the world – but the equivalent of heatwaves have passed over the region this...

Antarctic Sea Ice Shrinks to Smallest Ever Extent

Data contradicts climate change sceptics, who have pointed to earlier increases in areas of sea ice to support their views. Sea ice around Antarctica has shrunk to the smallest annual extent on record...

NSIDC: Record Low Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Extent for November

Average Arctic sea ice extent for November was the lowest on the satellite record, reflecting unusually high air temperatures, winds from the south, and a warm ocean. Antarctic sea ice extent quickly...

Your Carbon Footprint Destroys 30 Square Metres of Arctic Sea Ice a Year

The average westerner’s carbon emissions destroy 30 square metres of Arctic sea ice every year, according to new research. The work indicates that, even with current efforts to cut emissions, the Arctic will...

2016 Arctic Sea Ice Wintertime Extent Hits Another Record Low

Arctic sea ice appears to have reached a record low wintertime maximum extent for the second year in a row, according to scientists at the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data Center...

Creation of the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Water Systems Dynamics under the auspices of UNESCO

UNESCO and France have formalized the creation in Montpellier of the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Water Systems Dynamics (ICIReWaRD) which will provide expertise, carry out research and training actions in...

Extreme Arctic Melt Could Increase Sea Level Rise Twice as Fast as Previously Estimated

Extreme Arctic melt could increase global sea level rise twice as fast as previously estimated and cost the world economy between $7 trillion and $90 trillion by 2100, a new analysis shows. The...

‘Airpocalypse’ Smog Events in China Linked to Melting Ice Cap, Research Reveals

Climate change played a major role in the extreme air pollution events suffered recently by China and is likely to make such "airpocalypses" more common, new research has revealed. The fast-melting ice in...

New Technology Enables Charging Wearable Devices During Running

Researchers at the Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) of the University of Surrey have developed innovative nanogenerators that harness energy from everyday activities, such as running, to power wearable devices. In their study, published...

German state approves gas drilling project in North Sea

The controversial extraction of natural gas in the North Sea near the German island of Borkum is moving closer to becoming a reality after a responsible authority gave its approval. The Office for...

Greenpeace Studies Vulnerable Marine Mammals in Targeted Deep Sea Mining Area

As the Norwegian government is moving forward with the opening of Arctic waters to deep sea mining exploration, Greenpeace Nordic and Greenpeace Germany set sail with a group of scientists and campaigners...



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