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Manasija Gets a Solar Power Plant

The energy transition leaves no one behind – everyone is encouraged to turn to clean energy sources and reduce their carbon footprint to achieve a greener future as quickly as possible. Religious...

Extreme Heat in Southern Cities as a Consequence of Lack of Green Spaces

Summer is drawing to a close according to the calendar, but not in terms of the heat, which continues in much of the world. High temperatures have most severely affected large cities...

USA: Families Relocating Due to Pollution, but Healthier Areas Reserved Only for the Wealthy

Excessive air pollution in certain areas of the United States influences households' decisions to relocate, but only wealthier families can afford to settle in areas with satisfactory air quality, researchers from Lancaster...

New Technology Enables Charging Wearable Devices During Running

Researchers at the Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) of the University of Surrey have developed innovative nanogenerators that harness energy from everyday activities, such as running, to power wearable devices. In their study, published...

Child of the Year and the Soap that Cures Skin Cancer

Just over a year ago, I lost my aunt—a person very dear to me—to that insidious disease. Since then, I often think about cancer—all those people who fight valiantly despite poor medical prognoses,...

Cloud Seeding with Drones as a Response to Drought

After a severe drought hit the Xinjiang Autonomous Region in China, the country has begun testing revolutionary technology that uses drones for cloud seeding to induce rainfall wherever needed. According to Chinese media...

From Glass Waste to Construction Material

The fact that there is room for innovation in the construction material industry is evidenced by the company Fragment from Čačak. Its founders, Marija Marković and Pavle Milošević, patented a revolutionary construction...

Prosumers – an Important Link in Serbia’s Energy Transition

Although present on Serbia’s energy scene since 2014, the concept of prosumers only truly took off two years ago, and its popularity continues to grow daily. Citizens, businesses, and numerous institutions can...

EU: Citizens Can Now Seek Compensation from Polluters

The European Union has adopted an amended directive on industrial and livestock emissions, 2024/1785 (IED 2.0), granting citizens greater rights than the directive adopted in 2010. Now, the European Commission announced they...

Night Light – Cause of More Resistant Tree Leaves and Biodiversity Loss

Light pollution, a pressing ecological issue that currently affects over 80 per cent of the world's population, is a topic of urgent concern. Despite this, the full extent of its impact on...

When Ecology and Energy Transition Aren’t on the Same Team

A green future is on the horizon! We will drive electric cars, solar panels will shimmer on our rooftops, and picturesque fields and meadows will be complemented by wind turbines gently spinning,...

The Fashion Industry Lags in Achieving Climate Goals

The fashion industry remains one of the world’s top polluters and shows no serious tendencies to change its business models and make them more sustainable. Members of the global movement Fashion Revolution, which...

From Grass to Electricity with the Help of Digesters

Over the years, growing dominant crops on land can lead to various environmental consequences, such as loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, farmers are advised to revert parts...

Artificial Womb for the Recovery of Endangered Shark Species

I have always thought of scientists as real-life wizards, making possible what was once only in the realm of science fiction. This belief was reaffirmed by researchers at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium,...

White Roofs Most Effective in Combating Urban Heat

Summers are getting hotter year-on-year, and this problem is particularly pronounced in urban areas where a lot of concrete and little vegetation make the heat unbearable. An additional problem is the excessive use...

How the Plane Turned Orange Due to Climate Change

That morning, before dawn, Jennifer Kowalski and Cole Macdonald found themselves at a celebrity private jet airport. While the security was dozing off, and no one thought to “take a look” at...



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