Search results for:green technology

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Green Cooling – Tackling Climate Change With Eco-Friendly Technology

Natural refrigerants protect the environment and the climate. In Latin America and the Caribbean, they are replacing existing products that harm the climate.With ever longer cold chains, the global movement of goods...

Ministry for Innovation and Technology of Hungary and Energy Community Secretariat team up to Support Green Transition in the Western Balkans

The Ministry for Innovation and Technology of Hungary through its development agency of the Western Balkans Green Center (WBGC) and the Vienna-based Energy Community Secretariat joined efforts to help the Western Balkans...

Clean Technology Is an Exportation Leverage of the Greenest Country in the World

Having been investing in the health sector and environmental protection for decades, Finland is now highly ranked among the world’s leading countries with the most advanced standards of environmental protection and health...

Germany’s Solar-Powered Smart Green Tower Mimics the Technology of Electric Cars

If a car can run on a lithium-ion battery, why can’t the same technology be applied to a city block? This is the conceptual basis of the Smart Green Tower planned for...

New Technology Enables Charging Wearable Devices During Running

Researchers at the Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) of the University of Surrey have developed innovative nanogenerators that harness energy from everyday activities, such as running, to power wearable devices. In their study, published...

Solar Film – When Green Becomes Greener

The birds in the trees might already know how important solar energy is, but even if they don't, from their bird's-eye view, they surely notice an increasing number of solar panels on...

Green Kilowatts for the Supply of 10,000 Households

The companies B2 Nova Sun, B2 Sunspot, and Elektroprivreda Srbije, a joint stock company, signed electricity purchase and balance responsibility contracts for two solar power plants. B2 Nova Sun – Nova Crnja...

Innovative Technology is the Key to Creating a Sustainable Future

The Siemens company published a global report on sustainable development for the fiscal year 2023, which pointed out that the development of technology is one of the key answers to the challenges...


In order to develop green hydrogen and renewable technology, Egypt has signed seven Memoranda of Understanding with international developers regulating this field. In this way, Egypt has opened the door for investment worth...

Net-Zero Industry Act: Council and Parliament strike a deal to boost EU’s green industry

The Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional deal on the regulation establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem, better known as the ‘net-zero industry...

Fluorinated gases and ozone-depleting substances: Council greenlights new rules to reduce harmful emissions

The Council today has adopted two regulations to phase down fluorinated gases (F-gases) and other substances that cause global warming and deplete the ozone layer. While existing EU legislation has already limited the...


Not so long ago, we witnessed a global pandemic. In our country, the first case was recorded over three years ago. After that, the situation became more complicated and less clear every...

ABB and Gravitricity to collaborate on energy storage systems using end-of-life mine shafts and hoist technology

ABB has signed an agreement with UK-based gravity energy storage firm Gravitricity to explore how hoist expertise and technologies can accelerate the development and implementation of gravity energy storage systems in former...

Removing Barriers for Green Hydrogen Deployment

According to IRENA’s World Energy Transition Outlook, hydrogen and its derivates are projected to make up 14 percent of global total final energy consumption by 2050 in a world aiming to stay...

How technology can make the climate crisis accessible, undeniable and actionable

We’ve all seen haunting images of receding glaciers, but how many of us have ventured into their melting heartlands, felt the ancient ice slipping away or heard the roar as it cascaded...


I started my visit to Portugal in Lisbon, one of the world’s oldest and most beautiful cities in the world. Thanks to the Pulse of Europe project – Media Trips to the...



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