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Why Water is Crucial for Sustainable Food Systems

Agriculture is a major user of freshwater withdrawals Irrigated crops, livestock, fisheries, aquaculture and forestry, account for roughly 70 percent of total freshwater withdrawals globally and for over 90 percent in the majority...

Ahead of Global Climate Talks, Public Development Banks Join Forces to Boost Investments in Sustainable Food Systems

Responding to an urgent call to increase financing for the world’s poorest farmers who are hardest hit by climate change, a group of Public Development Banks (PDBs) stepped up their commitment to...

Transforming Agri-Food Systems to Feed the World and Tackle Climate Change

Feeding the world's growing population while limiting the impacts of climate change will require urgent and radical transformation of our agri-food systems, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu said at a High-Level event commemorating...

Impact of COVID-19 on People’s Livelihoods, Their Health and Our Food Systems

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and presents an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems and the world of work. The economic and social...

Why restoring nature is good for farmers, fisheries and food security

Humanity depends on ecosystems, such as forests, wetlands and rivers, to survive. They provide clean water, house animals, like bees, that are essential to food production, and play a key role in...

Food Price Inflation Escalates Global Hunger Crisis

Global food price inflation continues to soar, causing significant concern about the escalation of food insecurity across the world. As much as 78.6 percent of high-income nations are experiencing high food price...

Leading NGOs Launch Coalition to Advocate for Food Waste Policy

NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC), and ReFED have partnered to launch the Zero Food Waste Coalition, a national...

Available Data on Water-Related Ecosystems Doubles, Improving Countries’ Ability to Track SDGs

Fifty-nine (59) percent of environment-related indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) now have sufficient data to analyse progress, up from 34 percent in 2018. A report released today by the UN...

What You Need to Know About Combatting Food Loss and Waste

As the world searches for ways to counter the climate crisis, experts are turning to food systems for solutions. Research from the IPCC shows that food loss and waste is responsible for...

Businesses Have a Role to Play in Achieving Global Food Security. This is What They Can Do

Ores mined in war zones have long been subject to heightened attention when it comes to sustainability and reputational risks. Yet in 2022, it is the production and sourcing of ‘soft’ commodities,...

FAO And WFP Warn Of Looming Widespread Food Crisis As Hunger Threatens Stability In Dozens Of Countries

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today issued a stark warning of multiple, looming food crises, driven by conflict, climate...

Climate change triggers mounting food insecurity, poverty and displacement in Africa

Changing precipitation patterns, rising temperatures and more extreme weather contributed to mounting food insecurity, poverty and displacement in Africa in 2020, compounding the socio-economic and health crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic,...

Why The Global Fight to Tackle Food Waste Has Only Just Begun

Our global food systems are having a profound impact on human and planetary health. They are responsible for 70 percent of the water extracted from nature, account for up to one-third of...

Threats to Crop Wild Relatives Compromising Food Security and Livelihoods

Over 70 wild relatives of some of the world's most important crops are threatened with extinction, according to a new IUCN co-authored study launched today at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in...

The Unbearable Lightness of Ordering Food

As one would expect, nothing has been the same since last year. When it comes to common activities such as going to work, shopping, or a favourite restaurant, we are slowly getting...

Securing Food, Protecting Biodiversity

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, today told a gathering of experts, diplomats and senior officials that the agricultural world and the environmental...



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