For many years, a safe transition from high energy consumption to its efficient use, according to the specific needs of clients, has been provided by “Resalta”, the leader in energy efficiency. Through the ESCO model, “Resalta” develops, finances and completes energy savings projects for clients ranging from private companies to the public sector.

Although there is a large number of important projects that “Resalta” has implemented in the region, the energy rehabilitation of Ljubljana deserves to be particularly singled out. The project, which “Resalta” implements in the consortium with “Petrol”, includes 49 buildings, and the measures encompass reconstruction of the facade, heating and cooling systems, lighting, carpentry and thermal insulation coatings of the buildings. This type of cooperation will bring to the city of Ljubljana savings of more than 8 MWh per year, while CO₂ emissions will be reduced by 3,000 tons per year.
“Resalta” has carried out as many as eight projects with the Slovenian company “Gorenje” from Velenje, out of which three are currently in the implementation phase. The projects comprise lighting modernisation, two CHP plants, cooling systems for the production sector, energy management and compressed air systems. Total savings from all the projects reach tens of MWh per year, whereas CO₂ emissions are reduced by several thousand tons a year thanks to the “Resalta”’s efficient solutions. This instructive example serves as a demonstration of many possibilities for improving energy efficiency in industrial facilities – since the biggest potential lies within large energy consumers.

Resalta (private archive)
When it comes to Serbia, “Resalta” carried out the first project within the public-private partnership with the City modernisation of public lighting. Undoubtedly the biggest among them is the project of public lighting in the Balkans as a result of the contract between “Resalta” and the city of Krusevac, which included the replacement of 12,545 lamps with energy efficient LED lamps. Through this project, the city generates 80% savings in the energy consumption for lighting after the expiry of the contract, and CO₂ emissions are reduced by 2,772 tons per year.
“RESALTA” – THE REGIONAL LEADER IN ENERGY EFFICIENCY The company was founded in 2011 under the name GGE, which is an acronym of the names of the three founding companies: “Gorenje”, “Geoplin” and “Energetika Ljubljana”. The development of the company exceeded all initial expectations, the shareholder structure changed, and the new name was designed to reflect the focus on high performance in doing business with partners. “Resalta” is one of the fastest growing companies in Slovenia and is present in seven countries throughout the region such are Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. Ever since it was founded, “Resalta” has carried out more than 200 projects, and as a result, the CO2 emissions have been reduced for over 30,000 tons, and customers have saved over 300 GWh of energy. In addition to energy efficiency, “Resalta” is specialised in energy production from renewable sources – a cogeneration project of 5MW in Croatian Slatina is the first step of an ambitious plan for clean energy development.
“Resalta” offers to its clients not only project financing but also technical expertise. According to Luka Komazec, the managing director of the “Resalta” group, their engineers have gained extensive experience over many years of developing various energy efficiency projects. “Their knowledge enables us to identify the best solutions for each client, depending on individual needs and energy consumption. Besides, we take on all the risks and responsibilities for technical solutions, so customers can fully rely on us and our solutions. The “Plantaze” project is a good example of a project that is fully tailored to the client – the new steam boiler will use vineyard prunes residues as an energy source. Since the prunes residues are a by-product of the primary activity, the cost of energy will be reduced to zero for the client”, says Luka Komazec.
You can read the whole article in the twelfth issue of the Energy Portal Magazine CIRCULAR ECONOMY, September – November 2018