Pacifico Energy Begins Work On Japan’s Largest Solar Project

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

Tokyo-based solar power developer Pacifico Energy has initiated work on the largest solar power project in Japan.

Pacifico Energy has started construction at Sakuto solar power project, claimed to be largest in Japan. The project will have a 257.7-megawatt (DC) capacity and is expected to be commissioned by September 2019. The company has, however, not announced the project financier and EPC contractor.

The Sakuto solar power project, at Okayama, is expected to generate 290 million kWh of electricity and offset around 200,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year.

This is the second project in two months that Pacifico Energy has started construction on. In March, the company announced that it is working on a 96.2-megawatt (DC) solar power project at Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki-ken. The project is being executed by Toyo Engineering and is being funded by 13 different banks led by Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ.

The Sakuto solar power project will be Pacifico’s third project at Okayama. The company already has two projects with a combined installed capacity of 74.3 megawatts (DC) operational in the region. Both are supplying electricity to Chugoku Electric Power Company.


