Rosatom Has Approved Aartnership with the Dutch Lagerwey for Perspective Wind Energy Projects

Rosatom has approved partnership of its daughter company Otek with the Dutch Lagerwey in wind energy projects. On studying the feasibility of partnership with a number of wind turbines manufacturers Jsc Otek had proposed Rosatom to approve a deal, basing on a number of criteria: innovative design, experience, easy logistics of parts and components in Russia, readiness of a foreign partner for localization and maximum technologies’ transfer. The goal of the partnership is to develop the production of the wind turbines in Russia. In 2017 the partners will create a joint venture to ensure maximum commitment of the both partners to the implementation of the projects in Russia.

“Here we speak of the formation of the entirely new industry in Russia”, – stated the first deputy director general of Rosatom Kirill Komarov, – Rosatom sees its goal not only in building of wind farms, but in development of regulatory system, personnel training system, production localization, certification, R&D system for the wind energy. We have the second to none experience and knowledge in creation of new industries from the scratch, as we solve such tasks daily in our nuclear energy segment both in Russia and worldwide”.

“The basis of the future energy balance is based on low-carbon technologies like nuclear power and renewables combined. The decision to diversify our market proposal in low-carbon energy is a reasoanble follow-up to the overall business development of Rosatom. Moreover, it corresponds to the government 2017-2025 strategy aimed at shifting to the sustainable “green” development model”, – noted Kirill Komarov.

Rosatom has evaluated the capacity of the domestic wind energy market. By 2024 wind power generation capacity will amount up to 3.6 GWh with annual turnover of approximately 1.6 bln USD. The estimated volume of potential market for wind energy equipment, facilities and maintenance and aftersales services is about 6.3 bln USD. Rosatom plans to build 610 MW of wind farms during 2018-2020 and localize the production of parts and components of wind turbines including blades for 250MW a year. The localization will involve Rosatom’s production facilities of Atomenergomash and Umatex Group.

Source: Press Service of Rusatom International Network

